Next it was time for presents and cake. I am so impressed with the way Olivia handles herself at birthday parties. You would think it would be impossible for a two year old to sit still and watch someone else open presents, or wait for everyone to get cake before being able to dig in yourself, but she does great. She watched with enthusiasm as Brendan tore through his gifts. In fact I think she was as excited as he was and they weren't even her gifts. And as far as cake goes, I think that Olivia would wait forever if it meant she would eventually be able to enjoy a piece of cake.

Every Easter we have dinner at the home of our close family friends. They are kind enough to include us and include Olivia in the festivities. The first order of business...another Easter egg hunt in their huge backyard. Olivia was searching for the purple eggs and she needed very little help to locate them.
Her favorite part of the egg hunt? Finding out what is in the eggs. Well this year she was thrilled to find cold hard cash. After opening all of her eggs she walked away $6 richer. Not bad for a two year old! She also entertained us with her beautiful piano playing. She just can't resist...every time she sees a piano she get super excited.
After a very long day we headed home and took a nice relaxing walk outdoors with my family. It was much needed, considering the amount of food we consumed at dinner. I had to struggle with Olivia to get her to change out of her Easter dress into something more suitable for a walk outdoors. I never thought I would be arguing with my daughter about taking off a dress. I always thought that I would have to fight with Olivia to get her to willingly wear a dress. I guess I was wrong! She did end up taking it off, but only after I promised that she could wear it again soon.
We ended the day by giving Olivia her Easter basket from us. After the craziness of the day, and the fact that she had already received three other Easter baskets, I almost forgot that we had one for her. I am not a huge fan of giving candy so we opted for little toys instead. When I asked her what she wanted in her Easter basket this year she, "Just M&M's Mommy!". So I did break down and buy her two little eggs filled with M&M's...what Olivia calls her "favorite special treat". Nothing wrong with a little chocolate once in awhile, right?

It was a great weekend. We were able to celebrate the holiday with friends and family, attend a really fun birthday party and enjoy some great weather! Now that it is starting to warm up we have been spending more time outdoors. We took our first trip to the zoo last weekend. It was opening day and Olivia's school was having a picnic. We were brave and decided to walk around the zoo for a bit. Olivia was brave and decided she was ready to ride a horse. Words cannot explain just how much she enjoyed that! Of course the memory on my camera was full so I was not able to take any pictures. But since we have a zoo pass (thank you, Aunt Sue Sue), we will be going back countless times, I'm sure. I will wrap up this post with a few more pictures from our Easter weekend. I think it is safe to say, Spring has Sprung!