On our way out we talked about how Santa really needs to hear what she would like for Christmas. She saw some other kids sitting on his lap and decided that she could give it a try. When we got up there she hopped up on his lap with no problem at all. I think that once the initial shock of seeing Santa for the first time this year wore off she realized that it wasn't so bad! What I was most surprised about was the question she asked me when I told her that Santa was there that day. She said, "Mommy...is this the real Santa or a pretend Santa?" Are you kidding me? How in the world would she know to ask that question? That is a question we should not have to deal with for quite a few years. I told her that he is the real Santa and that he makes appearances at many different places before Christmas. I need a few more years before I have to start explaining things.

There have been lots of fun things going on at Olivia's school lately too. For the past month the kids have been working on the songs for their Holiday Program. Last Tuesday was the big performance and I was so excited to see her in her very first school program. That morning the kids had a rehearsal and I was informed by Olivia's teacher that it was necessary that I be sitting in the front row at the program. She said that Olivia stood in the front row at the rehearsal, sang her little heart out and did all of the hand motions. That news only made me more excited to see her perform.

That night we did manage to get front row seats and I am so glad that we did. There she was, right in the front in her adorable little Christmas outfit. She not only sang all of the songs, but she did it with a smile on her face. She saw us from the stage, which made her smile even more. The school did a great job with the program. They had children on stage ranging in ages from 18 months to 8 years old. I was impressed by how well they all did. Of course there were some kids that froze on stage and did not sing a word, and others that did silly things to make us all laugh. Overall it was a very entertaining program and I was a very proud Mom watching her baby on the big stage.

This was actually Olivia's fourth visit to see Santa. She was a month and a half old the first year, so naturally she slept through it all. The next she was just plain terrified. I think that is easy to see from the picture. But how classic, right? Last year took some work. After about 20 minutes of Santa talking to Olivia we managed to get her to sit on his lap and crack a smile. She was not thrilled about it, but she did it. And finally, this year her fear for Santa disappeared and turned into pure love. Now I just need to make sure that she continues to believe as long as possible!
Our last big holiday activity before Christmas was to take Olivia and her BFF Laurel downtown for a carriage ride. We got some snow this past weekend so it made for a very pretty ride. It was cold but it was fun to ride through downtown and see all of the lights and decorations. Afterwards we took the girls for pizza. They had a blast!

I just love all of the fun this time of year brings. To me there is nothing better than watching the joy in Olivia's eyes as she sees Christmas lights, hears Christmas carols, and see presents sitting under the tree. I have always loved Christmas, but I have learned to love it in a whole new way since she came into our lives. Todd and I have a lot to be grateful for as we spend time with family and friends this time of year. We hope that you all have a wonderful holiday with your families and are able to enjoy the small joys the season brings! Merry Christmas!