Once Todd was able to get the 10+ inches of snow cleared from the driveway Olivia decided it was time to get out there and play. I think she was out there for at least an hour. She would have stayed out longer if I had not called her in for lunch. The snow may be a pain for most of us, but it means hours of fun for Olivia. I must admit that being stranded at home with the family for the day was kinda nice.
By the next day the city had been dug out from the storm and things started getting back to normal. Unfortunately I was just starting what would be another full week of being sick. Being pregnant kept me from being able to take much of anything to help fight off the cold. I had to suffer through it and it was rough. I started feeling better just in time to celebrate Valentine's Day with Olivia and the hubby.
That night we continued the "food shaped like hearts" theme and made our heart-shaped pizzas. This is really fun because we get to customize our own pizzas and make them just how we like them. Our Olivia has turned into a little chef lately and seems to enjoy cooking. (My Mom is breathing a huge sigh of relief right now!). All of our pizzas turned out great and were super delicious. It was a tasty ending to a day filled with heart-shaped food!
The next day Olivia celebrated more with a Valentine's party at school. That night we exchanged presents and no one was more excited than Olivia. She bought presents for both Todd and myself (with a little help from Nana), and she could not wait to give them to us. I received a cute, red maternity shirt and Todd got some very stylish Sesame Street underwear. Does she know how to pick 'em or what?
Aside from some Valentine's chocolate Olivia got some accessories for her "Olivia the Pig" playhouse and a bath toy she has wanted for awhile. She was happy! I think I was the lucky one that night, as Todd spoiled me with a spa package geared towards pregnant women. I think it is safe to say I will be enjoying some serious relaxation time in the near future! We topped off the evening's festivities with some yummy Valentine's Day cake.
We knocked this holiday out of the park once again this year. I know some people think Valentine's Day is a silly, "Hallmark" holiday but once you have kids all of the silliness becomes validated and so much fun! I think we will continue to do things BIG on Valentine's Day and enjoy it to the fullest!
Now onto some Baby 2.o news. Happy to report that things are going smoothly. I am about 2o weeks, which makes it the half way point. I am feeling good and growing larger on a daily basis. In a little less than two weeks we will find out the gender of this baby and the real planning can begin. Unfortunately we have not taken any time to snap any belly shots yet. I think what people say about not having as much time to take pictures the second time around is going to hold true, but I am going to try my hardest not to fall into that hole. So with that I make a promise to include some belly shots next time around.