Our goal this summer was to do lots of fun things and have as many neat experiences as possible. The kids were busy, busy every week. I honestly don't know how we managed to squeeze it all in. Despite having many highlights, the headline of the summer was Miss Cecilia turning 4!!!
We celebrated with a Sofia the 1st themed party the day before she turned 4. She picked this princess theme all on her own and helped to decorate with her Sofia the 1st toys. We kept the party fairly intimate with only our family and close family friends.
My Mom came through once again with adorable number 4 and castle cookies. Yummy! Cecilia's babysitter was kind enough to do Cecilia's cake, and do it on the same weekend she as moving into her new house. The cake was amazing and fit her party perfectly!
Watching Cece blow out the candles on her cake was a bit surreal. I find it hard to believe that we are here already! Where did the past 4 years go? I asked her if she could stay 3 forever but she said no. She welcomed 4 with big, open arms!
Of course she couldn't wait to tear into her presents. The girl was blessed with lots of nice things. The hardest part was getting her to slow down and soak in each present before moving onto the next. The excitement was almost too much to handle!
The best part of the afternoon was watching Cece celebrate with the people she is closest to. We are so grateful that she is surrounded by so many loving and caring people. Cecilia smiled all afternoon which made me so very happy. I can only hope she is able to recall some of these awesome memories when she is older.
To kick off Cecilia's official birthday she attended Zoo Camp with my Mom. The first day of camp was her actual birthday so she arrived in a birthday crown and was given a special birthday certificate by her counselor.
During her 3 days of camp she was able to see and do some fun things at the zoo. She visited and learned about some of the animals, rode a different ride each day and made crafts. I think she enjoyed herself and it was something fun she and my Mom could do together.
At the end of the week she was allowed to visit the zoo store and pick out something special. She chose a huge stuffed red panda...one of our favorite animals at the zoo. She has been attached to her panda since the day he came home with her.
The evening of Cecilia's actual birthday we took her to a TinCaps game. The TinCaps are our local minor league baseball team. We have a beautiful stadium here in town and the games are lots of fun for kids. A friend of mine and her fiance joined us that evening and we all enjoyed a night at the ball park.
My new four year old enjoyed herself to the fullest. She played some games, enjoyed some ball park food and of course ended the evening with some birthday ice cream! She was one happy girl and that was all I needed to know that turning four lived up to her expectations.
This spunky little girl continues to surprise us and keep us on our toes each and every day. I love her to pieces, even though she pushes all of my buttons daily. I wonder what her fourth year will have in store for her...and us?
The fourth of July was fun this year. We celebrated the holiday with our friends, The Douglasses. They were kind enough to host a cookout for some close friends and the kids. We cooked out, the kids swam, we all roasted smores...it was a blast!
We wrapped up the night with sparklers and some low key fireworks for the kids. Couldn't have thought of a better way to celebrate the Fourth of July than with good friends, good food and lots of goofing around!
Once again this summer Olivia attended the Beasley Soccer Camp. This was her 3rd year attending this fun and worthwhile camp. The kids spend the week working on their soccer skills while having a lot of fun in the process. There is no question that the thing the kids look forward to most is the huge water balloon fight at the end of the week. Everyone brings their own water balloons and a firetruck comes out to soak the kids even more!
By the end they are drenched head to toe but there is no question that they have enjoyed every second of it. This is a camp Olivia looks forward to each year and will keep doing each year.
Throughout the summer my Mom made a point to do some special things with Cece. On top of attending zoo camp they also went to a "Princess Tea Party" through our local parks and recreation department. There were princess crafts and cookies and lots of little girls in their favorite princess dresses. How could one not have a good time with all of these girly things?
A few weeks later she attended a Doc McStuffins party. Big sister had to come along on this one and she was not overly thrilled, but she put up with it so her sister could enjoy herself. And enjoy herself she did! She has always liked Doc, but left with a new found love for her. She of course now owns a Doc McStuffins doll...thanks to my Mom, of course.
We have been trying to swing by the zoo whenever we have a chance this summer. It's been tough because the girls have been so busy. Trying to take them both at the same time has been even more of a challenge. Cece has had more zoo visits than Olivia this summer. We can always use a trip to the zoo as a way to pass some time.
Even though Olivia was on break from her travel soccer league for the summer she kept playing to keep her skills up. In late July she and a few of her teammates participated in a recreational 3v3 tournament. A few of the girl's parents agreed to coach the team and the girls had a blast.
Cece followed in her sister's footsteps and had her first taste of soccer this summer. We signed her up through the Fort Wayne Parks Department, just like we did for Olivia at this age. Cece responded to the class a little differently than Olivia...with tears and lots of standing around. Ok, so she participated occasionally but would often break into tears when things would not go her way.
After six weeks the class wrapped up. I was sure she was more than ready for it to be over based on the way she had responded throughout the session. But the very next week she asked when she could go back to soccer. Really? She fooled me. Maybe we will give it another shot next year.
Summer is coming to an end for the girls. Olivia will be going back to school on Monday, Cece a few weeks later. We can start the new school year knowing that we did our best to enjoy summer to the fullest! What fun!