After putting it off for quite awhile Todd and I finally decided to dive into the task of registering for baby stuff. From the day we found out we were having a baby we would occasionally peek at all of the baby things in various stores...just to get an idea of exactly what would be required in order to take care of this little person.
One day we decided to go into Babies "R" Us and look around. We had always heard that it was the "One Stop Shop" for all things baby...and that could not be more true. Problem is that place can also be extremely overwhelming for someone who has never done this before...and that was exactly how we felt. Only minutes after entering the front doors of Babies "R" Us my head starting spinning. I think we were in the store for a total of 5 minutes before I had to get out of there, out of fear that my head might explode! I had no idea how many different things they made for babies! For each item that is needed there are at least 10 varieties. I started asking myself, "How do I know which kind to get?" and "Is one brand better than the other?". It was just too much to handle that early in the game.
So now that I am half way through the pregnancy Todd and I decided to take the plunge and just get it over with. We planned ahead this time and enlisted the help of our good friend Korrie. She has been through this two times before so I knew she would be able to make some good suggestions and recommendations. What a life saver! Together the three of us made our way through that store like we were pros! It was a very stress-free experience and now can we check one more thing off of our "getting ready for baby" list. Although the store was a little overwhelming at first I know it will be a place that we will visit often.
So for anyone that has yet to be required to register for baby stuff I have one suggestion for when the time comes...take someone with you that knows their stuff! With a little guidance from a friend and between Babies "R" Us and Target I think we will have found all that we will need to get ready for Baby Menor!
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Starting to Kick

Well as of today I am 20 weeks into the pregnancy. Things are continuing to go very well. No complaints! As you can see my belly is growing more and more each day. Even better...I have started to feel movement. Last week was the first time I began to feel something strange. I was not sure what it was at first, but I had a pretty good feeling. It became more and more frequent as the week went on and now this week it is very apparent that the baby is quite active. It is most active late at night. While lying in bed earlier this week I could tell that the baby was moving quite a bit. It was so noticeable to me that I thought it might even be noticeable to Todd also. He put his hand on my stomach and within seconds he felt something. It was amazing! I thought it might be too early for someone other than me to be able to feel the baby move, but I must have been wrong! So our little one is very busy these days. It is so amazing to know that this little person is just getting stronger and stronger each day!
We will be getting an ultrasound next month, about 4 weeks from now. We are still planning on not finding out the gender. I am sure it will be difficult once we are actually in the middle of the ultrasound...the temptation to find out will be huge, but we are going to be strong!
Well that is all for now. Things are good and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Baby Menor!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Just Starting to Show

This is me at 16 weeks. I was just starting to show. At this point my clothes still fit without a problem, but how quickly things can change. Things are starting to get quite tight. This is preventing me from wearing a large portion of my clothing, which is a little frustrating! Pregnancy has agreed with me very well to this point. I can only hope that things continue to go as smoothly as they have so far.
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