Since the day that I found out I was pregnant we debated about what we were going to have...boy or girl. In the beginning we both decided that we were not going to find out the gender of the baby, as we thought the suspense of not knowing would make it so much more exciting. Well after a few months Todd changed his mind. If it were up to him we would have found out. But it wasn't up to him and
I decided that we would be strong and not give in to temptation! It surely was not easy, but we did it and I think it was well worth it. The point of all of this is that we always thought we were going to have a boy. With eight grandsons on Todd's side we figured it was not possible for a girl to be born into his family. Well we proved that theory wrong the day Olivia came into the world. And from that day she has been Daddy's Little Girl!
Since birth one of their favorite things to do together is take naps. As you can see she looks quite comfortable. Their naps have provided me with the time to be able to catch up on some things around the house from time to time, which is very helpful!

He is so good with her. I am so grateful to have such an amazing husband who is so willing to help out when I need him. His love and
support have helped me through some difficult times since she has been born and I do not know what I would have done without him. I do not think it is possible for him to love her more, and I don't think he thought he was capable of loving someone so much...other than me of course!

And even though mommy seems to be the only one who can calm
Livie down when she is upset, she saves lot of smiles for her daddy! It makes me so happy to see the way that she looks at him and to see her eyes light up when he walks in the door. Not too mention the kisses...which he gives her constantly. Someday she will cringe when we kiss her but for now there are not enough kisses in the world!

Even though we would have been happy with a boy or a girl, I think we both secretly wanted a baby girl in our lives. I think there has been a special place in Todd's heart just waiting to be filled with Olivia's love. Well he definitely loves her and has proven to be a better dad than I could have ever imagined. She is and always will be Daddy's Little Girl!
There is a well known saying that I just love..."Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad." That could not be more true!