Olivia is one active baby! Within the past month she has begun rolling over on a regular basis. She prefers to roll from her belly to back but will occasionally go the other way if the mood strikes. She actually rolled over a few times when she was two months old but it must have been a fluke because it stopped as quickly as it started. Around four months she started showing some interest in changing positions. It was very frustrating for her at first as she had a great deal of trouble figuring out how to get over that bottom arm to complete her roll. She would sit on her side for quite awhile and usually end up just rolling back, as it was just too much work. But one day she made it all of the way over and now she has it down pat! In fact most of the time, as soon as I lay her down she immediately rolls over to her tummy! Here are a few videos of Olivia's new favorite thing to do. The first video shows her trying to roll over but just not making it all the way. The second clip shows her reaching her goal! The video clips are quite dark but I think you will get gist of it...
http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s179/zatchman2/?action=view¤t=AlmostRolling-Video.flvhttp://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s179/zatchman2/?action=view¤t=RollingOver-Video.flvOlivia is also a very strong little girl. Around the age of three months she started trying to lift the top half of her body off the ground like she was trying to sit up. She would hold her breath and her face would turn red as she attempted a task that she obviously was unable to complete at such a young age. Watching this is hilarious as it looks like she is trying to do sit-ups. She does have quite a big belly so maybe she is trying to tone those muscles! As you can see from the pictures she is desperately trying to pull herself up...

And...Livie is also able to sit up unsupported for a short time. Within the past two weeks or so I have been able to let go of her while she is sitting. She sets herself up in a tripod position...with both legs spread and her arms out in front of her. By doing this she can hold herself up for quite awhile. Yesterday I think she sat unassisted for about three minutes before toppling over. Here she is sitting up all by herself! I am so proud!

This is a great accomplishment as we are on our way to being able to play without Mommy and Daddy's help. But for the meantime we just prop her up on the couch in the boppy and she plays with her toys while watching her favorite TV channel...Sprout! She changes more and more each day!