What a cute little bunny rabbit! Well today is Easter...but you wouldn't know it by the weather we are having. It actually snowed today as we were on our way to church! There is no excuse for snow in April! But the weather did not stop Olivia from getting all decked out in her Easter duds!

Olivia's Nana bought her this adorable outfit for her first Easter. She caught quite a bit of attention at church looking like a little "sailor girl". Church was quite long today but Olivia managed to get through it. Her little catnap in the middle of the service helped. She also managed to smile at just about everyone that would look her way. She is quite the flirt these days! After church we headed over to some close family friend's for dinner and Olivia even got to participate in her first Easter egg hunt! Well...Mommy walked around looking for her eggs while Daddy held her...but it was fun nonetheless. She also got two Easter baskets full of goodies! So it turned out to be a pretty good day for Livie. But all of the excitement of Easter caught up with little Miss Olivia and she started getting fussy by the end of the afternoon. So we headed home and she immediately crashed! A little too much Easter excitement for one day I guess. Here's Olivia with one of her Easter goodies...sitting on Nana's lap. Give her something to play with and she is one happy camper!

Nasty weather aside it was a wonderful first Easter for Olivia and the rest of us. It was a day full of fun and most importantly being around loved ones! We hope you and your families also had a very blessed Easter! Now it is time for Spring to come and stay for good!
Thank you so much for posting pics of her!!! I missed everyone so much. Looks like Livie is getting quite big! Will get home in June for a long stay. Love to all!!!!
Ahhhh! I love the outfit! Not sure about The Todd. Ha ha ha! Yellow is such a masculine color for him. Hee hee! I hope there are some pictures of Livie in her sailor outfit in store for Auntie Korrie and Uncle Tom.
Love you guys!
She's the cutest little bunny ever, and I just love her Easter dress!!!
Love the sailor outfit, but cannot get enough of the bunny ears. She so, so adorable. Wish we could be there for her baptismal.
I can't get past the cheeks, cheeks, cheeks....can't wait to see all of that flubber in her swimsuit this summer. What a sweetie!!!
We absolutely love those bunny ears!! Just as I thought- cute as a button in her Easter outfit. Your right Aunt Chris, we can't get over those cheeks either.
girl, we love chubby babies at our house! (you know alaina was so little she didn't have any chub ever.) we have the cutest picture of alaina her first easter in bunny ears too. priceless. i wonder if we still have them...
anyways, can't wait to see you and livie. the girls will love each other and i'm sure will compare rolls! :)
Olivia looks beautiful in her Easter dress. I can't wait to see her in her Hawaiian outfits that her uncle brought back from vacation.
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