...Olivia is crawling forward! After months of strictly crawling backwards she has realized that moving forwards is much more rewarding! I was convinced that she really did not have much of an interest in crawling at all. And since she has begun to pull herself up lately I figured that she may just move right into walking. Looks like I was wrong!

Last week I brought her over the the babysitters and set her on the floor. She immediately starting crawling towards the TV where Kay keeps the videos. I looked at her and said, "Wow...she is crawling forward!" Kay said, "Oh yeah, she does that quite often." I was shocked! Having only ever seen Olivia crawl backwards at home, I was thrilled with the fact that she finally started to show some interest in moving in a different direction. So later that day Todd and I tested her to see if she truly had mastered this task. And sure enough...she had! It's a funny little crawl that she does. She drags one leg underneath as she uses both hands and while standing on the opposite foot. But now that she has figured this out it is all she wants to do! In just the past few days things have changed drastically around here. Gone are the days of being able to leave Olivia alone in a room. Now we must take her with us everywhere we go and watch every move that she makes. So it is hard work for us but a great accomplishment for her. Witness for yourself the big stride made by Olivia this week...
We are so proud of our little girl. She may be a little late in reaching this milestone but who cares. She has been focusing on other important developments instead...like speaking actual words! Yep...we think she has spoken her first official word. That word would be kitty...or as Olivia says, "Ditty". She says this every time our cat is in the room. She points at Felix and says "Ditty". So at least to us it seems as if she knows exactly what she is saying. Not bad for our little 10 month old! She is such a vocal baby and I will not be surprised if she turns out to be a very early talker.

She is growing up so fast! I am astounded by just how much she has accomplished in the past week. Not only is she advancing in her
developments but her physical appearance is
changing as well. When I look at her I see a little girl... just a baby! Now more than ever we must cherish these moments because I am learning just how quickly they can pass us by!

Wow! She may be late with crawling, but I'm betting she'll be early with walking! She looks like she's ready to get up and go!!! Jess, she is looking more like you and her Great-Grandpa Mildworm (I always thought you looked like him too). Such a beauty! Can't wait to meet her. We're planning on being there for her first birthday - if not sooner!
Wow Olivia sure is changing, she sure does look like a little girl now rather than a baby. I love her unique crawl, I had a unique crawl too...Your days of calm are over...Hurricane Olivia is on the move, watch out. I look forward to many funny stories. Love Aunt Sue Sue
All I can say is that I simply want to eat her up! She is the most delicious baby! Every new thing she learns is delightful...what a personality!
I am hearing the music in the background already! LOL. The boys have found loveys too. She is getting so big and cute!
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