I think Olivia's first Halloween costume was a hit! What a spooktacular little ladybug she was. I did not put much effort into it really. The costume is just a one piece, snowsuit-like outfit. It did not come with wings, which I felt were very important, so luckily enough I had some from an old costume that I wore years ago. And just like that she was the cutest little ladybug in town!

We had a fun day. We kicked off our Halloween celebration by attending the Great Zoo Halloween the night before. It was so much fun to walk around the zoo at night and see all of the amazing pumpkins and displays. The animals were not out as the zoo has already closed for the season, but it was fun seeing all of the kids dressed up! The next day we went to our play group which was having their annual costume party. Babies as young as a few weeks old were there in their cute outfits. It was such fun seeing all of the cuties in their clever costumes. But I think Olivia won over everyone with a combination of her outgoing personality and adorable red and black cuteness! While playing with the other babies Olivia came across her counterpart in the bug family. It was a photo opportunity just waiting to happen...

Olivia was more than ready to get out of her costume by the end of our play group, as it was incredibly hot! But later that evening we got her all dressed up again so we could make the rounds to see our family and friends. First stop was her babysitter, who lives next door. We then headed over to her see her Uncle VJ and Aunt Chris. Aunt Chris felt it was necessary for Olivia to be able to enjoy a little bit of candy on her first Halloween. So she picked a piece out of the bowl and you can guess how much she enjoyed it!

I did not want her to end up in a sugar coma so the candy bar was eventually taken away which did not make Olivia very happy. She went from a happy little ladybug to a very ticked off little ladybug in a matter of seconds! Next stop was to see our friends Heather and Jason. They let Olivia pick out multiple pieces of candy from the bowl, but this time Mommy quickly hid them before she realized what was going on. If it were up to Olivia she would have feasted on chocolate all night!

Finally we headed out to Olivia's godparents house for some chili. A great way to end a cool, Halloween night. Livie was busy playing with her "cousins" Hayden and Simon. She is not used to having car and trucks to play with so she was quite fascinated as they showed her all of their awesome toys! It was a fun night but Olivia was more than exhausted by the time it was over. Here are a few other cute pictures from the day...

To add to our already hectic week Olivia seems to be cutting her molars. She has been extremely fussy all week, which is quite out of character for her. She has a nose that won't stop running, and she has been clinging to me like a monkey. This is usually a very independent child who does not care much for cuddling. But this week she can't get enough of it. I cannot imagine the pain she must be feeling as those teeth try to push through the service. I just hope it passes soon. I am used to have a happy baby who does nothing but smile all day long. So this week has been quite a challenge for all of us!

I hope she feels better by Sunday as we will be celebrating her 1st Birthday with a big party! I would hate for her to be anti-social and clingy as people try to shower her with love. Oh well, not much that can be done about that except hope for the best!

We had fun dressing Olivia up for her first Halloween. I think next year she will appreciate the holiday even more! But how can I top this costume in cuteness?
Well she is the cutest lady bug I have ever seen. Sorry to hear about her teeth pain..poor girl...I hope she has a wonderful 1st birthday..I so wish I could be there. Wow that year went fast...this coming year will be so much fun..she will do and say so many cute things..write them all down because you do forget!!!
Love Aunt Sue Sue
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