Feed Me! (Notice her shirt?)

Taking steps...

Belated B-day present...

Worn Out!

A journal of our days with our two girls...Olivia Liana and Cecilia Jane
In the past few weeks Olivia has found the courage to start walking with the help of her walking toy. We just turned around one day and there she was...taking steps! Now she is all over the place with that thing...walking it into walls most of the time...but she loves it! So much so that she has mastered the skill with one hand. In the picture above she is holding onto her walker with one hand while holding her favorite orange toy in the other. This girl can multitask! The video below shows just how proud she is of her newest accomplishment...
Isn't it amazing how quickly they change? We have been so busy lately with all of the new developments and milestones I realized that I have not given any updated stats on Livie in awhile. A few weeks ago we went to her one year appointment at the pediatrician. She weighed in at 23 lbs. 15 oz and was 31 inches in length. She received a clean bill of health and Dr. Lisa said she is developing wonderfully! As you saw above she is actively walking with her toy. In fact she took her very first steps without the toy this past Sunday! Of course I missed them as I was having coffee with a friend at the time. I leave the house for one hour and miss one very special moment...can't believe it! I know she will take more steps very soon so I am excited to witness them firsthand. I will also post some video when she starts doing it on a more regular basis.
She is also talking up a storm. She has many words including...baby, bubble, ball, kitty, bye-bye Elmo (of course), and the basics...mama, dada and nana. She is a busy little bee...constantly on the move. She plays so hard that she still needs two naps a day. She is eating 100% table food. Things are much easier now that she can eat many of the same things we eat each night for dinner. Olivia also loves to read her books. Although she likes for us to read to her she also enjoys pulling all of her books out of their basket and spending time looking through them herself.
Four Generations...
When it was all said and done we raised close to $600! My Mom was so grateful to everyone, not only for their generosity, but for being such amazing friends! All night she kept saying how blessed she was to have so many amazing people in her life...and she is right! I think even though she said she did not want anyone to make a fuss on her 60th birthday, she was thrilled that a fuss was made
The theme was Elmo! Olivia has had an obsession with Elmo for quite a few months now...so we thought it was necessary that Elmo have a strong presence at the party. And that he did! From the Elmo plates, napkins and party hats, to the many adorable balloons and finally the amazing Elmo cake (made with lots of love and hard work by Olivia's godmother, Korrie), my Mom's house was turned into party central! And let's not forget the presents! Look at that pile of loot! This is one lucky little girl!
Olivia's Nana was kind enough to host the party at her house. I don't think I could have handled all of the stress of planning and hosting this party at my house, while still being able to enjoy Olivia's special day. She is a pro and truly enjoys entertaining. It was originally supposed to be a small family affair, but it grew into a much larger celebration. I was worried that Olivia may get a little overwhelmed with all of the attention...but of course she handled it like a champ! Here we are arriving at Olivia's party.
Olivia's front row audience consisted of her youngest cousins. They were making goofy faces and egging her on to make an even bigger mess. She could hardly contain her excitement between the cake and the entertainment from the boys. I was prepared to deal with a huge tantrum when it was time to take the cake away but surprisingly, she was easily distracted. I think she knew that the next task on the party agenda was opening presents!
I cannot believe that we have just celebrated Baby O's first birthday! It was by far the fastest year of my life. In some ways we are sad that those baby days are behind us, but we are so very excited about Olivia becoming a toddler! Thank you to everyone who attended Olivia's birthday bash and showered her presents and lots of love! What a perfect party for a perfect little girl!