After celebrating Father's Day this past weekend Todd has something he would like to share...
Hello...Olivia's daddy here. It has been one year since I last had the privilege of contributing to the blog. Wow, what a year it has been! Since becoming Olivia's daddy, I have watched this little baby grow into a wonderful little girl. I could not have hoped for a more perfect child (most of the time anyway). She is a walking, talking bundle of energy. I just love watching her discover new things in her world. I never imagined I could love this child as much as I do. Every day is a new adventure with her. I find myself missing her when I am at work. The best part of my day is hearing her yell, "daddy!" when I get home. So on my second Father's Day I want to tell her that now more than ever I feel so blessed to be her Daddy and be a part of such a wonderful, loving family!

Those are his words...not mine. Last year he wrote a post of his own and wanted to keep up the tradition. Speaking of traditions...last year Olivia and her Daddy sported matching outfits on Father's Day! This year was no different. As a gift for our last anniversary I gave Todd a yellow Polo shirt accompanied by a yellow Polo dress for Olivia. So on Sunday they wore their matching colors during a family trip to the zoo. Aren't they cute?

To start our Father's Day celebration Olivia and I took Todd out for breakfast. It is not something we get to do very often so it was really fun. After a nice long nap Olivia was ready for her trip to the zoo. The weather was perfect on Sunday so it made for a great zoo day! The big news is that Olivia finally got over her fear of the big, white horse at the zoo. From the first time we visited the zoo this season she has been terrified of that horse. I think seeing one, up close and personal was overwhelming at first. But when we asked her what her favorite part of the zoo was, each time she would say "the horsey". So each time before going to the zoo we would ask her what animal she wanted to see first and she would always say, "the horsey". But once she would actually see the horse she would panic. Well she changed her mind about the horse this weekend and decided that she is no longer frightened of him. She went as far as to even pet him! I am proud of her for getting over her fear. What a brave girl!

That night we were invited to a relaxing Father's Day cookout. Todd was able to enjoy a nice big, juicy steak...which was a great way for him to end the day. Olivia seemed to enjoy spending lots of time with her Daddy, which is what the day is all about. I think Todd would agree that it was a perfect daddy's day! The only disappointment was that it was nearly impossible to get Olivia to sit still for a picture with her daddy! What what do you expect from a 19 month old?

Our weekend also included a super fun birthday party for Olivia's cousin Nathan. On Saturday evening Olivia had a blast playing with her big boy cousins. The fact that there was a big water slide made things even more exciting for her. She loves nothing more than watching her cousins act goofy. She got so much joy from watching them fly down that slide. Each time was as funny as the time before...
Olivia even took her own turn going down the slide...with the help of cousin Jake of course. She seemed to like it but when I asked her if she wanted to do it again she declined. She was content just splashing around in the little pool at the bottom of the slide. It was hours of entertainment for her and that is all that matters! I think she would have played in the water all night, but the fun had to come to an end because of bedtime. It was a really fun party!

It was another busy weekend. It seems like we have had a lot of those lately. We have another one coming up with Todd's birthday this weekend. There are lots of other things to report but I just don't have the time. Needless to say, sleep is welcomed by all of us in this house after all of our running around. I think busy is the way Livie likes it!
Lucky Daddy, and lucky Livie. She truly is a blessing. I love to hear her laugh...such gusto!
Happy Father's Day Todd!, Those pictures in matching outfits are terrific, you guys look great. Can't blame Livie for being a bit scared of the horsey, anytime somethings head is bigger than my entire body...I get scared too! Livie looks like she really enjoys the sprinkler and a cool treat on a hot day, whats not to like. When I was a tot, I used to love the sprinklers too, albeit in a concrete schoolyard. As far as poo-poo-didie, I let the parents comment since I have no experience in that realm. Uncle Larry
What a nice blog from Daddy!! Who would have thought that your life would turn out so wonderful after so many bumps in the road. You are truly blessed with two wonderful chicks!! The best part of it all is that you really understand how God has blessed you. I'm very proud of the man, father and husband that you've become. Keep up the good work--I look forward to many more years of great things!!! Love you all...
Glad to see Olivia and her daddy had another great Father' Day, I love the matching outfits again. I love to see Olivia loving life and loving the summer, can't wait to see her again soon.
Aunt Sue Sue
jess, cami and livie have 2 of the same bathing suits - the red dress and the polka dot bikini. isn't target great?! :) they'll be friends, i just know it...
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