When I first showed it to her she said, "Wow!" Since then she has shown quite a bit of interest in the potty chair. She continues to tell me "poo-poo di-dee". Sometimes she has already done the deed, but that is OK because then I know she needs to be changed. Up until now she has never much cared about having a dirty diaper, so I am pleased that she is finally choosing to tell me. And when she tells me before she has gone I take her to her potty chair and plop her down. She sits there for a couple of minutes and then asks to get off. Up until this past weekend the potty chair had not gotten any action. I think that most of the time after I put her on it she holds it in until I put her diaper back on. But I think that she has taken the first step by informing us of her actions. I think she is starting to recognize the urge to go and that is a big step.

Well Miss Olivia took the second step this weekend by actually using her potty for the first time! She told me she had to go so went into the bathroom and sat on the potty chair. We usually pass the time by reading books and looking at our new number and letter flashcards. Before I knew it she was actually going potty! Todd and I made a huge deal out of it so she would feel special. After she was done she stood up, took one look at what she had done and said, "ICKY!" I burst into laughter! She was right...what she had just done was very icky! But we are super proud of her and hope that this is the beginning of the end for diapers in this house. Although I am dying to get her out of diapers I realize that she is only 18 months old and that it may be awhile before we say good-bye to diapers for good. So for now it's baby steps. I told her that big girls use the potty and then asked her if she was a big girl. She looked at me, put her arms up in the air and said, "big gurl". What a sweetie!

So it was another busy weekend for us. Aside from the huge potty achievement, we attended a retirement party and Olivia took another trip to the zoo while I attended a baby shower for my friend Leslie. The retirement party was for one of my Mom's very close friends, whom she has worked with for years. Normally we would not have brought Olivia to a function like this, but we were informed that there would be other kids there as well. I am glad we went because Olivia had a good time. After chasing her around the clubhouse many times she discovered a piano in the other room. It was her first time seeing a piano and she was awestruck!

This occupied most of her time, which allowed for us to mingle a bit. She was putting on a show for anyone who would watch. She would pound on the keys and then clap for herself...over and over. She even got some of the other little girls to sit down with her and play. Check out the way she is looking at this little girl...so curious...

She just cracks us up! The next day while I was attending the baby shower Todd took her to the zoo...yet again! She loves going. Each time we ask her what she wants to see first and she always says the horsey. Well we always take her to see the horsey...she takes one look at him and freaks out! Can't quite figure that one out. The only thing I can think of is that the horsey is huge in person and that scares her a bit. Aside from that she loves seeing the monkeys, kangaroos and penguins. She was lucky enough to see a peacock spread it's feathers for the first time on this trip. It is so great to be able to take her to the zoo whenever we want. The zoo pass is the best! (Thanks again Aunt Sue!)
Lots of exciting stuff happening in our house lately. Although Olivia is an angel most of the time she still has a naughty streak that comes out on occasion. Yes, my child is a hitter. Not sure where that comes from but I know it must be nipped in the bud immediately! Next time I promise to tell you about the naughty stool and how we have had to implement time outs. Yes, I know it is early but it is better to start now so she understands there are consequences for naughty behavior. Thank you Super Nanny...you have such great advice!
Welcome to the world of potty training! We are right there with you! Elise does the same sort of thing. I tried the pull-ups (didn't like that too well) and am now trying just panties. I want to get her trained before the new baby comes so we don't have to take out a loan for diapers! Let me know if you come up with anything that works well. Glad to see all is going well with you and Olivia!
She looks so proud and so cute on her little potty chair. Good luck with the potty training. I know she will do well. She will love my piano too when she comes, between Rusty and the piano she won't need any toys!!!
Love Aunt Sue Sue
Wow! She's early for potty training! Such an advanced little girl! Potty and Piano weekend- how wonderful!!!
I only used pull ups at night... During they day, put her in panties. She'll only wet them once or twice - it's quite the unpleasant sensation!!
Who left me the anonymous comment without a name...just curious?
I just love it that she looks SO much like me!!! We have matching thighs...LOL
Perhaps if she could play the piano while on the potty she would train quickly. If she is as easy to train as you were, you will have few problems.
YIKES! My boys wear their potty chairs as hats. I admre you for starting early. I thought the duo stripping was sign it was time- wrong. But we do try weekly.
Look how grown up she is getting!!!
Way to Go Livie !!! You are on the right track. Take it from the man they used to call "dooodious" (aunt delia will know). After this becomes more comfotable and regular for you, I have some easy tricks that will maximize the results, yet minimize the effort,all leaving the minimum amount of Stank. They don't call me the "Doooodiousd Master for nothing. Best of all, once in th AM....and it is smiles all the rest of the day. Keep up the good work !
Uncle Larry
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