I've always wondered what Olivia's days are like while she is at the sitter's. We are blessed for Olivia to be able to spend her days at Mama Kay's house...just next door. All of the kids call her Mama Kay, even her own grandchildren, who spend quite a bit of time with her and the kids that she watches. Not only are we lucky to only have to walk Olivia next door each day, but we are so comforted by the fact that our Livie is in good hands. She has grown to love Mama Kay like a grandparent and Mama Kay has grown to love Olivia as one of her grandchildren. Each day Olivia runs next door and screams with delight as she runs through the front door. It is such a good feeling to know that Olivia is so happy there.
Now Olivia is not alone at Mama Kay's house. There are four other children keeping her busy. Olivia's closest pal is Jordan, who is only four months younger than her. Jordan has an older brother Justin, who is five. There is an 8 month old little boy, Bryce and his older sister Madison, who is 5 as well. So Mama Kay definitely has her hands full, but the older kids help with the younger ones and she seems to manage just fine. Over the summer I had Kay's granddaughter take some pictures of Olivia during the day so that I could see "a day in the life of Olivia".

As you can imagine her days are full of playing, playing and playing some more. After breakfast each day starts with time outdoors. Kay has a wonderful backyard full of exciting things for the kids. She also has more toys, books and kid equipment than you could imagine. You need a lot of stuff to keep kids occupied for an entire day! A little imagination doesn't hurt either!

After all of that hard work, a drink break is necessary! This is a bunch of very active kids. But they all have so much fun together. It is so cute that Olivia has a nice group of friends that she gets to spend each day with.

Before lunch the kids come inside for some quieter activities. Olivia is a huge fan of books and spends lots of time looking through the pages, attempting to read them to herself. She loves books with textures and flaps and anything interactive. She also loves to point out objects that she knows. She always impresses us with her knowledge of things we did not know she knew. That's the power of books!

After a nice long afternoon nap there is usually an hour or so before I pick Olivia up. Just enough time to tackle a few more toys. What's a day without coloring?...one of Olivia's favorite activities right now. She has created many pieces of wonderful artwork for us to enjoy. It is even more fun for her now that she is learning her colors. She likes to announce what color she is using before she starts to draw.
Olivia is about to embark on another big adventure this week. Tomorrow Olivia starts Montessori school! I cannot believe that our little girl is going off to school! She will be attending school three days a week in the mornings. We are so excited about this opportunity because it is amazing school with a wonderful teaching method. I have no doubt that Olivia will thrive at the school. I am sure it will take her a little while to adjust, but she adapts to new situations very quickly so we are not worried. It will be a busy week, but a week full of exciting new things. A day in the life of Olivia just keeps getting more exciting!
it's not possible that our little Livie is big enough to be starting school!!! That just can't be!
I'm sure Momma Kay will miss her those mornings!!
You are very lucky to have Mama Kay in your life. To be able to take Olivia somewhere where you know she is safe and happy is the greatest feeling in the world. Good luck with Olivia's first day of school, can't wait to hear the stories.
Aunt Sue Sue
I am more than happy to share my Olivia with Mamma Kay. It is like having an extra grandmother in her life. The peace of mind she gives you is priceless. Olivia is very fortunate to have Mamma Kay in her life.
Your friends from Fed Med checking in. She sure is getting big! I think Shelly's daughter went to a Montessori school too. I do not think she sent her there this year, not sure why. Glad to hear the Menor's are doing well.
I haven't seen the blog for SO long!! The computer went on the blitz..so..I'm catching up. The pictures from California were awesome. That aquarium is spectacular. Jake really enjoyed watching the video clips from Headwaters Park. Sad to say, I've never been down there. Gonna have to change that. And last but not least, sniff, sniff....Livie's going to school...unbelievable--sniff, sniff
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