She attempted to blow out the candle on her own but had a little trouble so she asked me for help. Together we blew out her candle which made her very happy! (I hope her wishes come true!)

Then it was time to head off to school. Olivia wanted to wear her birthday crown to school and I did not attempt to deny her that request. We also brought treats for the kids in her class. Every kid deserves for a fuss to be made on their birthday, right? When I picked her up that afternoon she came walking out with the birthday crown still on. I have no idea if she wore it all morning, but I would not be the least bit surprised if she did. Olivia spent the rest of the afternoon at Mama Kay's, like she does every day. Her daddy picked her up and they went to the playground as a special birthday treat. Olivia LOVES playgrounds and since the weather has been so beautiful lately he knew it was the perfect way to continue her special day. Before dinner Olivia opened a present from Mama Kay. She sent it home with us because the other kids would have gotten a little jealous watching Olivia open a present. It was some Elmo building blocks so she was happy!
For her special birthday dinner I made spaghetti...Olivia's favorite! I also whipped up a quick cake so she would have a special treat after dinner. I am sure that Olivia has no idea that we will fully celebrate her birthday this weekend with an official birthday party. But since today is her official birthday she had to have cake to dive into. I decided that I would let her get as messy as possible. You only turn two once, right?
The spaghetti was yummy, but the cake was what Olivia was really interested in. After singing to her once again she tried to blow out the candles but still needed help. She took quite a few bites of her cake but quickly realized it was much more fun to smoosh it and play with it. What ever makes my girl happy!
Olivia does everything to the fullest extent, so I had no doubt that she would be a total mess by the time she was finished with her birthday meal. But that is OK. The important thing is that she enjoy herself...and that she did!
I think Olivia had a wonderful day. Whether or not she fully understood that it was her birthday or what a birthday is for that matter is unknown. What she does know is that we made a fuss over her and that is what birthdays are all about. We are really looking forward to fully celebrating her 2nd birthday this weekend with all of our family and friends.

Olivia, on your second birthday I want you know what joy you have brought into our lives. Each day with you is an adventure and we are so excited to see what new things lie ahead in the upcoming year. Your twinkling personality and zest for life make us happier than anything else in this world. We love you so much and are so proud of all you have accomplished! Happy Birthday my beautiful girl!
Yeah! Happy Birthday, Olivia! I loved the pictures and it sounds like she had a very special day. Her shirt is so cute. I can't believe you made it. You might have to give me some pointers sometime. :)
Happy 2nd birthday sweet little Olivia, you are such a joy and such a wonderful addition to our family and we all love you so much. I can't wait to sing songs and play with you real soon.
Love Aunt Sue Sue
Happy Birthday little Olivia!!!!
Olivia, you melt my heart. You have brought more joy to my life than I would have thought possible. I cannot imagine how much more you will entertain me.
Love you,]
What a sweet little birthday girl. Hard to believe she's two already. I just love to see her and to listen to her. She's SO darn SMART!!! Looking forward to the birthday party. I'm sure she's dying to get her "NUBS". LOL (and her mommy can't wait either..lol)
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