Those of you in the area know what I am taking about when I say... icicles! We have been one of the lucky ones throughout the recent ice storm. The freezing rain started last Thursday night and by Friday morning we were without power. Luckily the power was restored by mid-day on Friday. We have friends that were without power until early this week and Todd's brother is still without power. We are praying that they get their power back in time for Christmas. It is amazing how much you take for granted when you have no power. The world seems to stop when you can't turn on your lights, heat your home or watch TV. I do not remember a storm quite like this in my life. There were trees down all around town and the number of people without power was in the thousands. On the other hand it was extremely beautiful. It is hard to believe that something so beautiful can be so destructive. I sent Todd out to snap a few pictures as I did not want to leave the warmth of our comfy house. Man it is cold here right now!
Eventually Bev had to move on from singing "Jingle Bells" and Olivia lost interest. It got late and we decided to pack up and head home. Before we left Olivia decided to put on a little show in the middle of all the people, singing their Christmas carols. She danced and clapped at the end of every song. She really was the life of the party. I am so glad we decided to go and we will be sure to go back next year. Hopefully Olivia will have learned a few more songs by then.
Well Christmas is just around the corner. We are really looking forward to celebrating the holiday with Olivia. She is really getting into it all. She tells us that Santa is coming and that he is going to put presents under her little tree. We had a little practice with present opening last night when we had our annual dinner with the Wilhelms. Korrie & Tom and their boys, Hayden and Simon are some of our closest family friends. Korrie's Mom and her husband, Jay come too. Olivia's refers to Deb as Nanny Deb. Needless to say, we are all very close. Each year we have a Christmas dinner with them that ends with a present exchange. Olivia knew just what to do with her presents and she opened them like a pro. Each present brought about the same reaction..."WOW!". It was a fun night and we look forward to it each year.
Before I sign off and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, Olivia would like to sing a few Christmas carols for you. Please enjoy her versions of "Jingle Bells" and "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", or "Rudolph the Reindeer's Nose" as she calls it. I hope that these songs get you in the Christmas spirit if you aren't ready. If anything there are sure to make you laugh! (Excuse her messy face!)
Todd, Olivia and myself wish you all a very Merry Christmas and lots of love!
That is the best messy face Christmas Carol I have ever heard! Olivia sure is enjoying Christmas.
BBBBRRRRRRR! I thought it was cold here in Florida when it got to be 49 degrees the other day. Great Pics, hope you didn't lose power. I am so far behind on the blog, I am looking at pics with Santa and Sing along, that huge Pink Outfit (is Olivia in their?) now. I'll shoot you an e-mail wishing ALL a Happy Holiday.
Uncle Larry
That is the BEST version of Rudolf I have ever heard!!!! I can't wait to see Livie and hear her sing in person!!!
That ice storm was crazy! So beautiful, but so scary! Glad it's all melting away.
Hope you have a fabulous Christmas!! Can't wait to see you over the weekend!
Aunt Delia
I love to hear Olivia sing it makes my day, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, children just make Christmas so special, gee do you think the boys will sing with me this year!!! Have fun love you all
Auntie Sue Sue
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