Happy New Year! It is hard to believe that it is the start of 2009. Where did the last year go? People always say that time flies when you have kids. Well, they were right. I know that last year at this time we were not even thinking about moving. Who would have thought that by the end of the year we would be living in a new house! It's funny how unpredictable life can be. Now is the time for New Year's resolutions and I know that Todd and I are going to do our best to stick to the one's we have chosen. I think we both agree that we are looking froward to another year with Miss Olivia!
We started off the new year with a family gathering at my brother-in-law's house. We got there just as Olivia was getting tired so we put her down for a nap in her cousin, Ella's crib. I figured she would not sleep long since she was not in her bed and she knew that she had many cousins waiting to play with her. Well, I was wrong. She slept for three hours! We were all ready for Olivia to get up and join the party. Once we had the chance we gathered up all of the grand kids for a big picture. Todd's Mom desperately wanted to get a nice picture of all her grandchildren (minus one...Christopher, who is in the Marines...currently serving in Okinawa, Japan). Trying to get 9 kids to all stand still and look at the camera is no easy task. I just snapped away, hoping to get at least one good shot. It turned out pretty good, expect for the glare in a few of the boy's eyes. As you can see, Christopher was still able to be in the picture even though he was not actually there in person.

We spent most of last weekend recovering from Christmas. I reluctantly took down the Christmas decorations and put them away for another year. I cleared most of it out while Olivia was down for a nap and when she woke up she took one look at our fireplace and said, "Where did Christmas go?". I tried to explain to her that Christmas was over and we had to wait until next year to celebrate again. I am sure she did not understand. If it was up to Olivia she would celebrate Christmas all year round. Olivia has been spending lots of time playing with her new toys from Santa. She loves her Melissa & Doug toys and the cash register but she is also quite taken with our Wii.

My Mom got Todd and I a Wii for Christmas. We are thrilled and we are looking forward to trying lots of new games. For now we just have Wii Sports, which came with the system. We are already familiar with the games, as is Olivia. She has bowled and boxed before (or so she thinks), so now that we have our own she asks to play quite often. Bowling for Olivia is this...holding the controller around her wrist and swinging her arm while Todd or I stand behind her with the working controller making the actual movements. She thinks she is making the ball go and gets super excited! I don't think she has caught on to the fact that we are bowling for her yet, but I am sure she will soon.

She really gets into it but often decides that she would rather play sitting down. We don't bother telling her that is is pretty hard to play any of the games sitting down. Oh well, she is having fun, and that is all that matters. Check her out in action...

So far our 2009 is off to a great start! Olivia is back in school after a two week break (thank goodness). Olivia should be able to start going back to her babysitter (Mama Kay) on Monday (double thank goodness!) She is becoming more and more grown up each day. We are still working on the potty training. It was going well for a few weeks and now we are back to not liking the potty. I can't figure out her rational when it comes to the potty. As much as I wish she was potty trained right now, I know that it will happen in good time. She has become super polite as of late. I usually get a, "thank you very much, Mom" when I have done something for her. What a sweetie! She is still napping like a pro, which is a huge life saver for me. It is amazing how much you can get done in 2-3 hours. She usually always wakes up with a smile on her face and hair that looks like this...

She also has her moments. She can have a fierce temper and will respond with a loud, "NO" if she is angry. She has also started a new phrase. When we ask her to do something that she does not want to do she usually says, "I can't like that right now". Who knows where she comes up with these things, but each day something new comes out of her mouth that just cracks me up. Even when we have our bad moments we always end the day with a snuggle and a kiss before heading off to bed. The day she decides that she is too big for that is the day I will be heartbroken. I know it is coming, I just hope it won't come for awhile. For now we are looking forward to what 2009 has in store. From our family to yours...may you all have a very Happy New Year!
After spending an unexpected day off from school with Miss Olivia, I certainly can identify with everything you say. She used the, "I can't like this right now" a lot with me. She is too funny...and manipulative.
We love our wii too! Conor loves the baseball. Santa brought the little atachments that go on the controller so he likes toswing the bat. We also have cash registers that the boys just love. Looks like you had a great Christmas. It was so great to see you. Next time i am in town, I would love to come see your new house. In the meantime, we are moving too and have jsut begun the long chaotic task of packing.UGH. Happy New Year!!!
I just knew Olivia would love the Wii and yes she will soon figure out she isn't really playing and she will want too, they are just too smart. I love the bed head pictures, just too cute.
Love Aunt Sue Sue
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