We found another activity to occupy a cold winter day recently. We took Olivia to It's Playtime inside of Mitchell Books (a cute local bookstore in town). "It's Playtime" is an indoor play area for kids with all sorts of toys and equipment. It is a great way to kill a few hours and allow the kids to burn off some energy. After getting over her initial fear she enjoyed going down the slides and was proud to say that she did it all by herself by the end of our time there. She really enjoyed herself but I wish they had a little more equipment and not so many toys. We have enough of that stuff at home. Olivia loves going to the playground so much and we thought this would be the closest we could get in the winter. I try to let Olivia enjoy herself and not think about all of the crazy germs floating around a place like that. You can bet I wiped her down once we left. Yes, I am a bit of a germaphobe when it comes to my girl.

In other news...Olivia has been potty trained for over three weeks now. Diapers already feel like a distant memory. For a few nights she was even waking up and calling for me to come get her so she could use the potty. I thought briefly that maybe she was night-training herself. That phase was short lived and for now we are sticking to being day-trained only. Hey, no complaints here! What blows my mind the most about Olivia's newest development is that I am now folding little girl underwear as part of our laundry. It makes me realize just how quickly she is growing up! And believe me, she knows just how quickly she growing up too. She insists on doing most things on her own, telling us loud and clear, "I do it by myself". It can be difficult considering there are some things that she simply cannot do by herself quite yet. We do try and let her do as much as she is capable of doing which has helped her independence tremendously.
She is especially proud of the fact that she can finally tell us her how old she is using her fingers. For the longest time she has tried to hold up her two fingers (like a peace sign) to inform others that she is two, but she did not have the coordination to show anything other than all five fingers. As many of you know Olivia takes a tap class and at the beginning of the dance they are learning they follow the words of the song and show their two fingers. So by practicing at dance class and with Todd and I showing her how to do it, she finally mastered it. Now she shows us all of the time that she is "two". The smallest things make her so proud.

Yay! It's been too long since your last post!
Those photos are adorable! Looks like Livie is loving the snow more than you!!
Can't wait to see how Korrie transforms her room!
Aunt Delia
Olivia sure knows how to enjoy herself. Love the sun glasses with the snow suit. I can't wait for all of the warm weather activities she can enjoy.
I love the glasses, just too cute. She needs to come and visit CA and go to the beach with Aunt Sue Sue...poor thing she needs some warm weather...Love Aunt Sue Sue
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