Last week was a fun week for me. Not only was it Mother's Day but I turned 31 on Thursday. Not that turning 31 is anything to get excited about, but having both holidays fall in the same week made it fun for me and especially Olivia. I think that she was more excited about my birthday this year than I was. She sang "Happy Birthday" to me every chance that she got that day. She also knew that since it was my birthday that she would probably be able to enjoy some cake. I think the best part of my birthday for Olivia was opening my presents. Yes, she opened each and every one of them. She would tear through a package, say "Wow! Look at this!", toss it on the floor and move on to the next one. I think she had them all opened by the time I got to look at the first gift. It was hilarious! Turning 31 may not be anything special, but having a little girl make a fuss over you for one day sure is!

We had family back in town for the Mother's Day weekend. My Grandmother and Uncle from Michigan came to see us again. Olivia loves when they come into town because it gives her another reason to show off. And since they do not get to see her very often they are more than happy to play up to all of her antics. The weather was quite nice over the weekend. We had our painters working on the outside of our house, which was such a relief. From the moment we moved into this house we have hated the color of the outside. It was just a bland shade of white and there was no contrast or anything that made it stand out. After some consulting with my designer friend Korrie and our painter we settled on a color. This time around I do have a before and after picture to share. Here is what our house looked like last week...

And here it is now...

Big difference, huh? We were shocked by how much it changed the look of our home. People have been turning their heads as they drive by (hopefully they like what we have done). We have gotten quite a few complements from people. The best thing about it is that the house now has our own personal stamp on it. It feels more like our home, than a house that we bought from someone else. I smile each time we pull into the driveway.

On Mother's Day my Mom hosted a nice brunch for family and close friends. It was nice to spend the day with so many great mom's. I don't think Olivia got the memo that you should be sweet to your mommy on Mother's Day because she was in quite a mood all day. No particular reason really. I just think she woke up on the wrong side of the bed and decided to stay grumpy all day. I did manage to get a few nice pictures with my girl throughout the day. It was not easy and in order to get a nice four generation picture with my mom, grandma, Olivia and I we actually had to bribe her with money! I know...not a good thing to start with a kid, right? Well desperate times call for desperate measures. Believe me, it is not a regular occurrence around our house to bribe her with money to get her to do what we ask. But if giving her $1 would make her willing to smile for a few pictures then so be it.

Grumpy day aside, Olivia ended up making Mother's Day very special as I was getting ready to put her to bed. After we read a few stories we rocked in the chair for a few minutes. I told her that I had a nice Mother's Day and that she is very special to me. She lifted her head off of my shoulder, looked me in the eyes, put her hand on my cheek and said, "Mommy, you are special to me." Well that definitely made up for her bad attitude. It made me realize just how lucky I am to be the mother to this amazing child. Sure, she has bad days...we all do, right? But deep down she is the most kind hearted, thoughtful, loving child I know. I could not ask for anything more and I would not change one thing about her. I know that one day I will beg and plead for kisses and hugs from my girl, but I do hope that no matter what...she will always be mommy's girl!
Grumpy Livie and all, it sounds like it was a great Mother's Day. Glad you had a fun week!!
The house looks FABULOUS in blue!!! What a great choice!
I guess our house does look blue in that picture. It is actually a dark grey...volcanic ash to be exact, I think. Either way, it definitely looks better!
House looks great. Olivia looks great...even when grumpy. Life is great.
Love, Nana
Happy (belated) Birthday, Jess! I am glad you had a nice weekend. What a wonderful way to celebrate being a mommy! It's such a great feeling when you know your little one(s) love you and shower you with hugs, kisses, and unforgettable words.
The house is beautiful! I'd really like to come and see it sometime. You guys did a great job!
Love the house!!!!!!!!
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