In case you had trouble hearing what she was saying, she told me that she was making tea, milk...wine and beer! When I asked her where she learned about that she said, "Nana taught me." I was shocked that she knew anything about wine and beer and it is obvious that my Mom is not spending time teaching my daughter about various alcoholic beverages. She does know that we like to drink wine and that Daddy sometimes has a beer, but we have made it clear to her that those drinks are for adults and not for children. Although I laugh hysterically each time I watch that video, I am nervous that one day at school, when asked what she is doing she will tell the teacher, "I am making wine and beer." That would be an interesting conversation with the teacher. What I have learned is that there is nothing that Olivia does not absorb. Her mind is like a sponge and once you tell her something, she never forgets!

She calls it her garden, but I have done all of the work.
It has been a crazy busy summer. I have even more to share but it will have to wait for future posts. Olivia is about to finish her summer camp program at her school. She has had such a great time. I have a ton of pictures to share from all of her adventures. We have also been busy helping my Mom get settled in her new place. She not only retired from teaching this year, but she also moved out of the home she lived in for 30+ years and into a very nice condo, just a hop-skip-and a jump from us. We have been celebrating her retirement while working to make her new place feel like home. She has a lot to look forward to in her retirement, including spending more time with Olivia! It is hard to believe that the summer is almost over, but so far it has been fantastic!
Fun summer report! And for some reason, my computer wouldn't play the video, but I am literally cracking up that Olivia said "wine and beer!" Hysterical!!! Too cute.
I still love watching the video, it makes me laugh each time...I just love seeing photos of her with her wild curly hair..Aunt Sue Sue
Obviously my reputation continues! I honestly do not discuss wine and beer with Olivia, but as you said, she doesn't miss much. She is a wild woman!!
OMG...she is hilarious!! I'm telling you what..I'm coming over for the wine and beer making!! Sounds great...not so sure about the topless part..I think I'll leave that to Nana..LOL
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