We have been doing a ton of fun family things lately, squeezing every last bit out of this nice weather. I am stoked about Fall, it is my favorite time of year, but I am also sad that we won't be able to do our outdoor activities for much longer. Our summer was packed with one outdoor activity after another. I know that once it gets cold I am going to have to start getting creative in order to keep Miss Olivia from getting bored.

The other big hit was the huge inflatable slide. I thought there was no way she would climb to the top of that thing by herself. She is brave but there are some things that she is just not up for. Boy, was I wrong. I think she went down this slide at least four times. It is just another step towards Olivia becoming this independent child, no longer my little baby! I was just thrilled to see the joy on her face as she came flying down that slide.

The other big hit from the picnic was the face painting. I did not think that my Olivia would sit still long enough for something to be painted on her face, but I was wrong again! She was thrilled with the butterfly on her cheek, but not so thrilled once it rubbed off from more bouncing in the bouncy house. In fact, she was quite sad when it rubbed off. She took part in all of the activities the picnic had to offer until she wore herself out. Overall it was a fun, end of the summer day.

Next on our list of fun family time, was a visit from Olivia's Great Aunt Sue Sue. Olivia was anxiously awaiting her arrival and they bonded from the moment she arrived until she had to get back on her plane to California. Sue came to town so that she, my Mom and I could go away for a girls weekend to Indy. She received a birthday gift from her husband that allowed her to take us on a spa weekend. Nice, huh? Needless to say it was pretty great! I left Olivia with Daddy for the weekend, allowing them to do some father-daughter bonding, while we indulged in spa, shopping and food. It was nice to get away for some "girl time", but it was also nice to come home to my girl. Sue stayed in town for a few more days so she could spend some time with Olivia. They had a blast together and at the end of the visit Olivia asked if Sue Sue could come live with us. The good news is that we will be going out to California for a visit next month, so Olivia will get to see more of her Aunt Sue Sue again very soon.

The start of fall means that the zoo will soon be closing for the season. We have had such fun visiting the zoo this year. I lost track of how many times we have gone. We went again this past weekend knowing that it might be the last time we go before they close.

We made this visit extra special and let Olivia choose two rides as well as a treat to share. She picked the train and the log ride, and of course an ice cream treat. Luckily it was a pretty nice day on Sunday so ice cream was not an unreasonable request. Even though the zoo is closing we will be going back one last time for the annual Zoo Halloween. Such fun!

Now that it is starting to get chilly out I have been trying to think of activities that we can do indoors. This past weekend I came up with the idea of making our own pizzas for dinner. I had no idea Olivia would enjoy it so much. We cheated and bought our pizza crusts, already prepared. (Next time we will roll them out ourselves). We added our sauce, toppings and cheese to our own individual pizzas. Olivia loved being able to create her own pizza, although she tried to pile all of her topping into a huge heap in the middle of the dough. I helped her spread them out a bit and then we popped them in the oven. Within minutes they were ready for us to eat. I think Olivia had more fun making the pizzas than actually eating them, but it was a great family activity and not nearly as messy as I anticipated!

In other news...Olivia is doing great in school. I have more to share about that next time. Her vocabulary continues to amaze me. She tells me all about her day and things going on with her friends at school. She is still loving Spanish and I recently surprised her with a few new Spanish books. I love that she is so interested in another language, so we are taking advantage of the eagerness to learn. (I am learning too!). Her curiosity continues to grow and she loves asking questions. She hates being left out of conversations and constantly interrupts by saying, "What are you and Daddy talking about?" She is also getting very excited about her upcoming birthday. She has it all planned out in her head...who will be coming to her party, what kind of cake she wants, and of course...what she hopes to get for her birthday. She has only one request...Bendaroos.

Yes, my child has become a victim of commercialization. While watching the very educational PBS Sprout channel she has discovered a craft toy called, Bendaroos. They are these wax sticks that can be shaped into anything. For some reason she has developed an obsession for these things and asks daily if she can have them for her birthday. I hate buying things off the TV so we checked around and Todd found them at a craft store, so of course we grabbed them and put them away for her big day. I have no doubt she will be thrilled. Whether or not she will know what to do with them will remain to be seen. The look on her face when she gets them will no doubt be priceless. Now I need to get moving on the birthday party details. Is my child really about to turn 3???

I am sad that summer is over. We really had a lot of fun this year. But there are so many fun things coming up and I know that it will be a great fall/winter as well. The next big step is Olivia's move into her "big girl" bed. That should be happening this weekend, so stay tuned and wish us luck!