I had to stop and think twice this week about how it is possible that my two year old is starting her second year of school already. Not only is she starting her second year at Three Rivers Montessori, but she is stepping into a whole new territory in a new classroom with new teachers and new friends. This year is going to be quite different for Olivia as she will no longer be in the toddler classroom, but spending the next 3-4 years in the Primary classroom with 3-6 year olds. It brought tears to my eyes as I looked back at her first day of school pictures from last year. I think about how much she has grown and changed during the past year and I am astonished and so very proud of her!

Olivia was looking forward to starting the new school year. Since we did the summer program it was not very difficult getting back into our school routine. The major difference this year is that she will be going all five mornings instead of just three mornings a week, like she did last year. I got her up and ready just like I do each and every morning and tried to snap a few pictures of her before we walked out the door. Big difference from last year, huh?

Olivia's first day was last Wednesday. The returning children came on Monday and Tuesday, by themselves. The new, younger children came Wednesday-Friday so they could get acclimated to their new classroom. This week the children are all together. It will be different for Olivia to be in a classroom with children that are not only her age but others that are close to five and six years old. I am sure many of you are wondering how they operate a classroom with kids from so many different age ranges. It is amazing really. The kids work together as well as independently. Lessons are given in a group and to individual children. The kids are allowed to work at their own pace, which gives the five year olds the ability to work at a more advanced level, while the younger children can work at a level that is more suitable for them. The older kids look out for the younger ones and even help to give lessons. It really is a neat dynamic and works quite well. My initial fear was that Olivia would be intimidated by the older kids, but I really don't think that will be the case. I actually think it will be good for Olivia to spend time with older children. Olivia tends to be a leader and can be a bit bossy at times. I highly doubt that the older kids will stand for much from a 2 year old, so this should help to tame that bossiness!
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention how much I LOVE Olivia's new teacher, Ms. Laura. I secretly had my fingers crossed that she would be Olivia's teacher this year and my wish was granted! I am so confident knowing that for the next three years Olivia growth and development will be in Ms. Laura's hands!

Olivia fell back into the swing of things at school like a pro! I knew she would. Ms. Laura was kind enough to e-mail me some pictures of Olivia during her first day back at school. I think she wanted me to know that Olivia was OK. I knew she was, but it was nice to see just how happy she was in her new environment. Last year she was a little sad when I left her on the first day of school and this year she took off the second we stepped into the classroom and did not even look back. I just love know that Olivia is so comfortable at her school.
The diversification of ages is one thing that makes the Montessori concept work so well. I am eager to see all that Olivia will learn this year!
I know Olivia will have a wonderful year and I will not be surprised at all if she has those five year olds doing wants she wants very soon...she is a born leader... :) Love Aunt Sue Sue
P.S. can't wait to see her soon!!!
Oh, wow, Jess! I just got caught up on all the pictures of Olivia and what she has been up to and she is getting SO big!! She just looks so much older. It is amazing how fast time goes and how much they mature in a year. I am happy that Olivia is enjoying school. It's hard to believe that our babies are going to school, taking lessons, doing big girl stuff. I will definitely let you know when I think we will be up to FW. I would love to set up a playdate or go to the zoo, etc. It's been a long time since I have seen Olivia or you. Hope you are doing well!
Wow, such a difference between last year and this year. She looks so uch taller and older! Good luck for a great year Livie!
Look at Livie all grown up! Precious. Hope she did great during her first week! :)
There is NO doubt in my mind that she will be RUNNING that class in about a month..LOL... She is so darn sweet!! I couldn't believe how different she looks compared to last year...she really has grown up. Sniff, sniff....she's a big girl now...
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