Olivia and I may be a bit biased, but we think we're pretty lucky. Olivia will be the first to tell you she has the world's best Daddy! This was most apparent over the past week as we celebrated both Father's Day and Todd's birthday. She had loads of fun thinking of gift ideas and getting things ready for us to celebrate both holidays.

We kicked things off with Father's Day. Olivia could not wait to give her daddy his gift, which was a small photo album filled with pictures of just the two of them. She thought of the idea all on her own. We also gave him a grilling apron with a huge picture of Olivia and her daddy on the front. He loved both gifts. After church we stayed downtown so Todd could attend
RibFest. This is an annual festival featuring many different vendors selling the "world's best" ribs. We try not to miss it each year. We also made a visit to Todd's Dad's grave. Couldn't let Father's Day pass without saying "hello" to GP. After an ice-cream run we finally made it home to rest. That night we went to my Mom's for a Father's Day cook-out. It was a fun-filled Father's Day! I almost forgot to mention that I thought I was going into labor that evening, but it was just a false alarm. Whew!

On Wednesday we celebrated Todd's birthday. He had the day off from work and thought it would be fun to spend it with Olivia. Here is a recap of everything they did that day. It started with a trip to
Dunkin Donuts, followed by a short visit to the zoo. After the zoo I met them for a birthday lunch. Next they headed to the movies. After the movies Todd dropped Olivia off at my Mom's so she could get things ready for Todd's birthday dinner. She decorated his cake and the house.

That night we continued the celebration with Todd's Mom with a wonderful dinner at my Mom's,
complete with presents and cake! Did you catch all of that? It was a jammed packed day and may have gone down in history as one of Todd's best birthdays. According to Olivia it was the best of his life because he got to spend it with her. Gotta love self-confidence!

This week Olivia has definitely been a Daddy's girl and I must admit it has been such a joy to watch. The love this girl has for her Daddy just fills my heart. She knows that there is nothing he would not do for her, like spending his birthday doing all of the things she loves most. The quote of the day came from Olivia during Todd's birthday dinner. We were all eating when she stopped and said, "I have a question. Why does Daddy do all of these nice things for me on his birthday, but I did not do anything for him? That's weird!" Even though the day did primarily revolve around Olivia I think she did more for him than she realized. She showered him with love and attention all day and that was probably the best gift of all!

With our second daughter set to arrive at any moment I am more secure than ever that our girls have been blessed with the best daddy possible. I hope he enjoyed his Father's Day/Birthday week. We enjoyed making it special for him...he deserved it!
I'm just saying...he he is one lucky Dad!
Uncle Larry is so envious. When did you bevome so, so handsome Todd? :) And Olivia...Hollywood Bound for sure, what a magnificent, gorgeous girl...Whoa, What stupendous pictures. Hope your Dad's Day and Birthday were terrific and.....SO?....and as my late Mom would say, "What's the Story, Jess?" Are we ready? Hang tough, any day now, and again as Nettie would say "Finished", Actually just beginning a new phase. Good health and luck this week Guys and so, so show me the pictures ASAP as soon as she/he arrives. Actually, I think you already told me its a girl. I'm so excited for you and your family !!!!!
Uncle Larry Adds: When did you get up so early? I thought I was the only crazy one....started a new job and getting up at 4:30 every day, and now, come Saturday, I can't stay in bed.... I guess I am already conditioned. Okey Dokey for now.
Olivia is gorgeous.....but of course you already know that!
Livie and her Daddy do have a very special relationship, and the arrival of baby sister will only enhance it. They are both very lucky to have each other.
What a nice blog entry about Olivia and her daddy, so special. Todd is lucky to have soon to be three gorgeous ladies in his life, oh and so sorry I missed RibFest, darn.
Love Aunt Sue Sue
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