The weather was perfect which meant that Olivia was able to show off her costume and not cover it up with a jacket. She told me she wanted to be a black cat the day after Halloween ended last year. Surprisingly she never changed her mind. My Mom found an adorable little pink kitty outfit for Cecilia, which was just as comfy as jammies. So we strolled around the zoo with both of our little kitties, while Olivia collected her treats. Next year Cecilia will be walking through the zoo with her big sister leading the way!
Next on the agenda was the annual Fall Family Festival at Olivia's school. Each year the school puts on a great festival including games, snacks, costume parade and the very popular trunk-or-treat! Cecilia sat this one out as it was a bit chilly that day.
And as if we did not have enough candy already we still had Halloween around the corner. The weather cooperated again and we were all able to enjoy a nice walk throughout the neighborhood. Cecilia was bundled up in her little kitty outfit and Olivia was prepared with her treat bag. She could hardly contain her excitement as she ran from house to house. She was on a mission to collect as much candy as humanly possible in two hours.
Cecilia was a trooper that night. She just relaxed in her stroller and enjoyed the cool, fall evening as Olivia dashed through our neighborhood at lightening speed. Todd took Cece home once it started getting dark while Olivia finished up her candy collecting. She could hardly hold her treat bag by the end of the night it was so heavy. Once we got home we dumped the candy out on the floor and assessed the damage. I could not believe how much she managed to get in such a short period of time. All of that candy is in a huge bowl on top of our refrigerator and I have a feeling it will take us ages to eat it all. Olivia is only allowed to have a few pieces each day and of course Todd and I occasionally sneak a piece here and there. (It is so hard to resist!).
Halloween was a huge success and according to Olivia, her favorite holiday ever! I can't wait until next year when Cecilia will be toddling around with her big sister collecting candy.
Mixed in with all of our fall festivities was Olivia's first ever horseback riding lesson. We won a gift certificate at a silent auction last year for a couple of lessons and thought she would enjoy giving it a try. Before she began her first lesson she had to get fitted with her horseback riding gear. How cute does she look? My little rider!
At her recent check up she weighed in at 15 lbs. 15 oz and 25 inches in length. She is a bit smaller than Olivia at this age, but not much. You should see the legs on this girl. They are sturdy, that's for sure! She is also a very loud baby. She babbles and often yells at us, making sure she is being heard. Olivia was a very early talker and I have a feeling Cecilia is going to be the same way. She is sleeping much better now and seems to have settled into a very nice routine for us.
What a fun fall you all had...both girls are just adorable and I can't wait to see both of them real soon. They both made such cute kitties..Cece has changed so much since my last visit..see you all at Thanksgiving...
Love both those girls! Glad they are having so much fun!
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