With just about three months to go before Baby Menor joins us there is still so much to do! Lately our entire focus has been on getting the nursery in order. This has involved transforming the space from a spare room with a queen size bed, into a kid friendly room with all of the necessities. We quickly learned that this is not an easy task. First step...paint. We chose a gender neutral color that matched the bedding that we bought for our little one. It is a pale yellow and very pretty. For some odd reason the paint did not want to cover the walls very well, so it required three coats! Next...paint the woodwork and trim white. This required a coat of primer and two coats of white enamel. All together this took us about three weekends to complete. Here is what we have accomplished thus far...

That box that you see in the middle of the room is the crib. There is a reason it is still in the box and not put together. I refer to that reason as the "Crib Catastrophe". To make a long story short...the crib was not the color we thought it was when we picked it out in the store. I blame it on store lighting. But since it does not match the other furniture that we already have for the nursery it just won't work. So...we picked out a completely different crib and we are waiting for it to arrive. Once it does the task of trying to return this crib and pick up the new crib will have to be figured out. Getting the first crib to the house was a difficult task so we are not looking forward to having to go through the entire process once again!
In the meantime my living room is the holding area for all things baby. Until the nursery is completed I have had to store the other pieces of furniture, as well as the baby things we have accumulated so far in my very nice, hardly ever used living room. But since we never use this room anyway I guess it is serving a purpose for the time being. I refer to it as the temporary disaster area...

There are a few final steps to complete before Baby Menor will have his or her own peaceful, private oasis. We are going to build some shelves in the closet to make space for the many, many things our baby will need. Luckily I have a few friends who have offered their time and talents to help us with this. Needless to say carpentry does not come natural to me. And finally, my very talented friend Korrie is offering up her artistic skills and is going to paint a mural on some of the walls. I have no doubt that it will look amazing!
Once those things have been completed we will be very close to having our nursery finished! That is when the fun part starts...putting all of the cute little things in their places.
I am going to hold off on showing any more pictures of the nursery until we have a finished product. But to give you an idea of the theme we have decided to go with, here is a picture of the quilt from the bedding we picked out. It is too precious for words!

If only our little one was aware of the sweat, time and hard work that has gone into the preparations for his or her arrival!
And finally for a few quick updates...the baby is continuing to be very active. I occasionally get a few good kicks in the bladder, which is quite interesting. I am also finding it increasing more difficult to do the daily tasks I am used to. Just getting up out of bed seems to be harder than ever before. But I guess I should hold off on the complaining as I know this is only going to get worse! I am in my 26th week and about to finish my second trimester. Man...time is flying by!