As those of you who have been pregnant before know, it is not easy finding things to wear over the course of 9 months. You tell yourself that you are going to try to fit into your regular clothes as long as you can. You put off buying maternity clothes until have no choice. But that day comes when nothing in your closet fits and you resort to adding a few new items to your wardrobe. Being about 7 months pregnant at this point, that moment came awhile back for me. My mom and I went shopping for maternity clothes quite early... just to get an idea of what was out there. I think we all have the idea in our heads that all maternity clothes are frumpy and unattractive. Luckily things have changed. There are actually some very cute things out there. But it is difficult to spend money on clothes that you know you are only going to wear for a few months. So I told myself that I would only buy a few things at first and see how long I could go before I needed to get more. For the most part I have done a pretty good job on not spending too much money on maternity clothes, but that also means that I have been wearing the same 6-8 pieces of clothing for the past 3-4 months. One of my favorite things to wear during this pregnancy has been my gaucho pants. Those are the wide legged pants that almost look like skirt when you put your legs together. Well I have about 5 pairs of those and I really do not know what I would have done without them. They are not maternity pants, but since they are made out of the most stretchy, comfortable material... I find myself wearing them almost everyday. Mix those with about half a dozen maternity tops and I am good to go. Needless to say I am starting to get a bit sick of wearing the same few things over and over again!
I have my first baby shower this Saturday and I am struggling with what to wear. I can wear one of the same outfits that I have worn about 100 times now, or I can try and pull off one of my nicer dresses that fits my huge belly! Well during the week as I struggling with my dilemma I came across these pictures of Britney Spears. As some of you may know, I have commented on Britney in my blog before. She has provided me with some great tips on how to prepare for motherhood. So since she is already a mother, and is expecting her s


child in less than two years... I figured why not turn to her for fashion advice also. If only I would have seen these pictures earlier, I could have tried to find similar outfits which would be perfect for the occasion...
What do you think???
I will be going to a fancy wedding at the end of September so maybe if I look hard enough I can find a dress just like Britney's! Nah...I think I will stick to my gaucho pants and hope that they will see me through my final two months of being pregnant! I am pretty sure I would never be caught dead in either of these outfits! mentioned, I have my first baby shower this weekend. My two aunts have flown in from California and Florida to throw it for me. Not only am I looking forward to seeing both of them, but I am looking forward to sharing the day with some of the people who mean so much to me.
Not much else to report. This is week 30 for me and I just realized that I have less than 10 weeks to go! Holy Cow!
If you dare sport one of said fashions, i will disown you as a plastic sister!!!!
Othr than that- Jess you look fabulous dah-ling. Even with a 6lb hump, you manage to look tip-top in fashion! We are so excited to meet mini-menor.
BRITNEY AIN'T GOT NOTHIN'ON YOU BABE!!!! Go ahead and try her sense of fashion. Just be sure to call me so I can run over with the camera!!! It would make a good board picture..(lol) You're doing great sister--won't be long now. Can't wait for that baby!! Love, Aunt Chris
P.S. Don't stress on the outfit--you always look GREAT!!!
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