Four months ago today Baby O was welcomed into the world. What an exciting and exhausting four months it has been! Everyday we thank God to be blessed with such a healthy, beautiful baby girl. We have enjoyed becoming parents and enjoyed watching our little baby grow up in front of our eyes. It amazes us how much she has changed in these four short months. In some ways it seems like it was just yesterday that Todd was rushing me to the hospital. On the other hand, these four months have gone by at a snail's pace (when I think of the many sleepless nights!) We are anxious for what lies ahead but we will miss our tiny little baby. So in the meantime we will cherish these special moments as they flash before our eyes!
Things have definitely changed over the course of four months. She is sleeping very well at night...only getting up one time to eat and going right back to sleep afterwards. She has become very vocal...even more so in the past few days. She seems to enjoy the sound of her own voice and can talk for hours on end. It is the most precious thing to hear, but we are ready for some peace and quiet when the day is over! Here is a recent video clip of her chatting away!
http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s179/zatchman2/?action=view¤t=Feb-6.flvShe is very close to sitting up on her own. With very little support she can hold herself up and I think that within weeks she will have mastered this task. She has yet to roll over. There have been a few times she has been very close, but she seems very content just playing on her tummy or back. At four months she weighs approximately 16 lbs and 12 oz. She has slowed down on the weight gain, which is probably a good thing considering the pace at which she was gaining! And as you can see from the picture below, Olivia loves her toys! It is so much fun watching her discover what sounds her toys make...not to mention it is great that she is finally able to entertain herself for a little while.

One year ago at this time I was just discovering that I might be pregnant. It is amazing how much our lives have changed since then. Even though Todd and I had a great life together before Olivia came along, I honestly cannot imagine life without her now. We have already created so many wonderful memories with our little one and we are so excited for all that lies ahead!
I just love those pudgy little cheeks. She is just too cute. I am so excited that I get to come for the baptism and finally get to see her again. I hope she likes me!!! I can't believe she is already 4 months, that went by very fast...
Love Aunt Susan
Happy Birthday Sweetie!!!
We can't wait to meet you!!! Don't grow up to fast!
Aunt Delia
Isn't it amazing how quickly they grow up? She is just the cutest little thing and so darn squeezable. Uncle VJ and I are ready for another socializing event..so anytime you lovebirds want to take a break..give us a call. Make sure you give Baby O a kiss from me.
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