Olivia has her first official cold...at least I think so. It really is just a minor case of the sniffles. I had a horrible head cold a few weeks ago and I think she picked a little of it up from me. For the past few days she has been very congested. She has also been sneezing quite a bit and rubbing her eyes. But if it weren't for those symptoms I would not have known that she was sick. She has not been acting as if she feels under the weather. We have been very lucky with her so far. This is the only sickness we have had to deal with since she was born! I knew that something was bothering her when she kept making this face...
I kept wondering..."what is she doing?" I quickly figured out that this was the face she made to try and get the snot out that was building up in her nose! Too funny! So other than having to continuously suction all of the crap out of her nose (which she hates!) she has been handling her first cold like a champ! Which is good because we have had a pretty busy Memorial Day weekend. But we did manage to find a little time to relax. Here is Livie and her daddy resting in bed...

My Grandma and Uncle came into town for a few days for the holiday weekend. We were busy with cookouts and socializing. My Grandma just loves spending time with Olivia. She lives in Michigan so they get to visit somewhat regularly. Since Olivia was born just one week after my Grandfather passed away, she has been a great distraction for my Grandma. She is also quite a handful for her. With Olivia weighing over 19 lbs. it is quite hard for my Grandma to hold onto her. But I did manage to catch a nice moment with Olivia and her Great Nana Cleo...

We finished off our holiday weekend with our annual cookout at Papa Graham's house. It was a beautiful, warm day and Olivia wore one of her pretty new dresses from her Grandma in Hawaii. Here is a picture of Olivia with her Nana...lookin' cute!

We do not have much to report right now. Livie is just about to turn 7 months old...where has the time gone? She still is not showing much interest in crawling but she sure loves to play with her toys. Her favorites are those that she can bang on and make noise. Those are also the ones that drive her Mommy and Daddy crazy after awhile! I am not worried about her crawling, as I know she will do it when she is good and ready. That is how she has done everything else up to this point. She is talking more than ever now. She has been adding lots of new sounds to her vocabulary lately. She has mastered "da da" and "na na" but no "ma ma" yet. I am patiently waiting for that day!
We have lots of fun and exciting things coming up this summer. Olivia will be taking her first plane ride next month. We will be swimming for the first time very soon. And Olivia's Grandpa (Todd's Dad) is coming back again, from Hawaii, for a nice long visit. So much to look forward to!
Poor Sweetie!
That cold isn't detracting from her cuteness though! I just want to eat her up!!!
That photo of her and Grandma Judy is precious!!
Sad to hear she wasn't feeling well, but the face in the first picture is great! I wonder if she could make that face again? I must say she is looking pretty good in those cute dresses from grandma in Hawaii.
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