Yep...she's got 'em! Two of them in fact. Miss Olivia is sporting two cute little teeth on the bottom. Best part about it is that we did not even know she was teething! We knew something was going to happen soon as this child has been drooling non-stop for the past three months. But it wasn't until my Aunt Sue, who was in town for Olivia's baptism a few weeks ago, just happen to discover a tooth while Olivia was chewing on her fingers. We were shocked! But with a feel of my own I could tell that one was popping through. Within a few weeks she had two of them break the surface! So the good news is that she did not fuss while she was pushing those teeth through. We can only hope the rest of them come through with the same amount of ease!
Olivia is about 6 1/2 months old and she has a lot of exciting things happening right now. She is officially sitting up on her own. She no longer needs any help what-so-ever! It is so great! She can sit and play for the longest time. I have never seen a child so fascinated with her toys! She loves anything that she can bang on and make noise. We set her up with a little play area and she is good to go. Here she is with her stash of toys...

She is also completely into solids. We have tried just about every veggie and fruit and there is nothing that she doesn't like...obviously! She has also been having a few bites of our table food, when it is something she can handle. She is still limited to mashed foods, but she enjoys trying new things. We have been giving her a few finger foods also. They seem to help with her hand-eye coordination. I think her little tummy is still trying to adjust to the change in her diet, but that is to be expected. And I am only having to nurse her four times a day. A few weeks ago she weighed 19 lbs. and 5 oz. Her weight gain has definitely slowed...which is good!

She is also doing much better at the babysitters. I think she is finally starting to enjoy herself over there. The little children entertain her and now that she is more independent she can occupy herself with no problem. That was a rough road, but I am glad things are looking up!
This past week my Cousin Ryan came to visit for a few days before heading to his internship in Pittsburgh. Olivia seemed to enjoy him, as he would just look at her and make funny sounds and faces. That is all it takes for her to be entranced with someone! I am glad she got the chance to spend some time with her Cousin Ry Ry as she doesn't get to see him very often.

Olivia is just a very happy baby. She smiles constantly! She brings so much joy to our lives. If either Todd or myself are having a bad day, all we need to do is look at her and everything is OK. That smile is just contagious...and I love it! Hope this smile brightens your day, like it does ours...
look at that smile!!!! She is getting so big. Cant wait to see her when we come back in 2 weeeks!
She gets cuter and cuter!
Uncle Bri-Bri looked at the photos and said, "we need to go to Indiana, knock on the door, and say give us that baby" We can't wait to meet her!!!!
Miss Olivia's smile brightens my day everyday that I see her. She definitely has a winning personality.
I am so happy that Ryan got to spend some time with his cute little cousin. I knew they would hit it off. Soon she will meet her other cousin Justin..can't wait to see you all and celebrate Father's day in style. Hug and kisses
Aunt Sue Sue
Those pearly whites sure are cute! And I think her smile could make any one's day! She's definitely a cute little love bug!! Hopefully she will give me a big smile the next time I babysit.
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