I guess her toes were just more fascinating this week than normal. During a diaper change earlier in the week she couldn't keep them out of her mouth. Strange...isn't it? I have never understood why babies enjoy putting their own feet in their mouths. The thought of it grosses me out actually. I guess it's just another step on their exciting path of discovering every part of their bodies! Here she is enjoying her tasty toes...

As she gets older and older she amazes me more and more. Just the other day we were on a walk around the neighborhood. We pass quite a few barking dogs as we walk and each time I say, "Olivia, what does the doggy say?" and I usually answer the question for her by saying, "Woof, Woof". Well the other day while we were playing together I just asked her out of the blue, "What does the doggy say?" and she responded by grunting twice in a row. I had to believe that was her way of saying "Woof, Woof"! I thought it was a fluke at first but after asking her a few more times I realized that she was answering my question and knew that doggies say "Woof, Woof"! How cool is that? You would not think that she would be able to comprehend such things at such a young age. But babies are amazing creatures and it just proves that they know much more than we think they know!
So after a week of tasty toes and a runny nose we are looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Now if it would just cool off a little bit we could get outside and enjoy what is left of the summer. But with temps in the 90's I think we will just hang out in the comfort of our air conditioned home and play with Livie! Sounds good to me! How can you resist this face?