Our Livie is a silly girl! Her personality just shines and can brighten any one's day. From the moment she was old enough to start interacting and playing she would just act goofy. She loves to be the center of attention and will put on a show for anyone who will watch. I recently dressed her in one of her pretty little Hawaiian frocks and took some pictures. She was in rare form on this day, as you can see from the many different poses and faces she was making. I think she is a model in training. These pictures are just too funny not to share...
It's Exhausting Being Me!

Holy Cow!

Look at Me!

I'm Innocent...I Swear!

I Cannot Contain My Excitement!

Olivia turned 9 months a few weeks ago. She is growing like a weed! We recently went to the doctor for her 9 month check up and she received a glowing review! She is weighing in at just under 22lbs and she is just under 29 inches in length. According to the doctor she is developing right on schedule. She is not concerned about her lack of interest in crawling because even though she is only scooting backwards she is doing everything that she should at this stage.

One big development is the addition of a front tooth. Her right, front tooth is starting to poke though, but not enough to show in a picture. Once it pops out a little bit more I will be sure to add it to the blog. Because she is getting her top teeth she has started grinding them together. I was a little concerned about this at first but I realized that there is nothing I can do to stop her. She is just exploring the fact that she has teeth on the top and the bottom and she can rub them together. This has allowed her to start eating more advance foods as well. She is eating more and more table food every day. Just another sign that our baby girl is growing up!

Her vocabulary is expanding daily also. She has so many sounds! When she babbles it sounds as if she is actually trying to tell you something. She seems to know exactly what she is saying, but of course we have no idea! She will point her finger and babble sternly as if she has a very important point to make. This is a girl who takes her talking very seriously and i have a feeling she is going to be hard to keep quiet once she is in school!
It seems Olivia is changing and growing by leaps and bounds lately. She is a baby on a mission with lots to do and lots to learn. She keeps us busy and makes us earn our relaxation time at the end of the day. In less than three months our little one will be turning one! I am exhausted just thinking about what lies ahead, but grateful for all of the joy she brings to our lives!
This is one beautiful & active girl. I LOVE the new pictures...she has personality plus. I predict once she starts talking she will never stop, kind of like her cousin Justin...I miss her smiling face so much and she has learned so much since I saw her a few short weeks ago..Love you Livie...Auntie Sue Sue
Wow, she is growing so quickly! The little shirt looks so cute on her!!! :throb: I love seeing her grow! Keep it coming!
Good words.
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