about my new friend and her amazing talent! A short time ago I met Betsy and her adorable son Miles at a Mom group that we both attend on occasion. After talking we discovered that we are both bloggers. So out of curiosity I checked hers out one day...WOW! The pictures that she posts are fantastic and after reading quite a bit of her blog I discovered that both she and her husband do photography. Her husband John is super creative. He owns his own business specializing in writing and composing music, photography, and web design. Betsy recently developed a strong interest in photography as well and it has really started to take off for her!
Since Olivia turned one I have wanted to get one year pictures done. The thought of taking Olivia to a portrait studio and trying to get her to pose for pictures makes my head spin. Trying to get this child to sit still to get dressed is enough of a challenge so I knew there was no way she was going to cooperate during a long, tedious photo session. So out of curiosity I called up Betsy to see if she would be wiling to do some pictures for us...and she said yes! So a couple of weeks ago she and her husband came to the house on a Sunday afternoon for a very casual, laid back photo session...much more Livie's style. It was such fun! As we sat on the floor and played, Betsy and John just snapped away. Olivia was so comfortable, which allowed them to get some great shots of her and truly capture her bubbly personality. Things were going so well we even stopped for a wardrobe change half way through.
After our photo session was over I was bursting with excitement to see how things turned out. Betsy knew I was anxious so she posted a preview on her blog. To see Betsy's post about Olivia visit
Betsy's blog. (You will have to click on the November archives and scroll down a bit). While you are there be sure to check out some of the pictures of her adorable son Miles, who turns 10 months today (I think). With two talented photographers for parents you are bound to get some great baby pics. After sifting through 600 + pictures from our shoot Betsy narrowed it down to about 90! There are too many to post here but I will share with you some of our favs. If you would like to see the rest of the pictures see
Olivia's Slideshow. They are too cute to miss!

Since Olivia's shoot Betsy has really kicked started her own business. She has been going on tons of photo shoots, mainly of people who have heard about her through pleased customers such as myself. She is working on her own website and it should be up and running very soon. When I come across a talented, creative person I like to spread the word...especially for someone who is trying to get their own business off the ground. I have no doubt that Betsy will become a very successful photographer in no time at all. I know that I will call on her to capture every important milestone for us from this point on.

So thank you to Betsy and John, for coming into our home and capturing our little Olivia's personality so perfectly. Not only was it a fun time, but we now have the most amazing first year photos to look back on. For those of you who may be interested in getting in touch with Betsy just let me know and I will give you her e-mail. I will also share her website with you when it is finished. In the short time I have known Betsy I have gotten to know a great deal about her. She has been through so much in her short life and I am so impressed with her strength. Now you see why I had to brag. Not only is Betsy an amazing photographer, but she is a wonderful person...and I am happy to be able to call her my friend.
Oh Wow!!! What an amazing photo shot!! Livie is so darn cute and I don't think that anyone could take a bad photo, but Betsy is really an artist! The photos are amazing! She caught so many great expressions and family "moments". I love the way she worked you and Todd into so many of the shots - they're so artistic!
What an amazing photo session and a great way to commemorate Livie's first birthday!!!
A completely un-biased Great-Aunt-Delia
Wow I am speechless, these are the most beautiful pictures of Olivia I have ever seen. Your friend Betsy is an amazing photographer. You were right she was able to capture Olivia's exact personality. You were so lucky that Besty was able to do this for you...what great keepsakes you will have...Love Aunt Sue Sue
I was impressed just watching Betsy & John take the pictures. Their enthusiasm and creativity are remarkable. After seeing all of the photos I am more than impressed. This is so much better than a studio shoot. I can't wait to put some in frames...it will be so difficult to choose! Thanks Betsy & John.
I am in awe. Those blow anything I have ever done away! I am so impressed with their talent!
Oh my goodness THANK YOU SO MUCH! The funny thing is, I've been so busy processing photos for a client this week that I didn't get back to your blog! How appropriate considering your post.
So glad you are thrilled! I have a surprise coming for you, btw. I think you are going to really like it.
; )
Ack, I was signed in as John when I made my last comment. So that was from me, not John, though I'm sure he will be thrilled with your post too!
Hey- thanks for the comment... I missed this post, so I'm glad I got to see some different ones here. I love that one of her with the ball. You are right- we are so lucky to have these- I think I'll do 6 and 9 month pics, too. (Although how embarrassing that I posted my low-quality pics that I took after Betsy's awesome ones!)
I also still need to check out your posts from when Livie was P's age.... gonna do that right now.
And it's so funny that you said Preston is looking more like Kevin because in the pics that I took at Dupont the other day, I thought so too! :) I'll definitely tell him you said that!
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