We are excited to announce the arrival of Olivia's very first girl cousin in the Menor family! Ella Elizabeth-Noelani Menor was born Thursday, January 10th at 1:09 am. She weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz. and was 20 inches long.
Many of you know that Olivia broke the male Menor streak by becoming the very first granddaughter in the family. Well Barry and Kris soon followed with their news of a new baby girl that would be joining us in early 2008. How excited we were to find out that Olivia would have a little girl playmate. Not that having 8 boy cousins is a bad thing. In fact, it is quite nice. I see it as Olivia having 8 very protective bodyguards! But knowing that she will have someone to play dolls with made us happy! Although it may be awhile before they will be playing dolls or dress-up together, we can say that we are thrilled to welcome Ella into the family! Ella & Olivia...my Mom says it sounds like two little old ladies going to play canasta together. I have a feeling they are going to be lifelong friends!

Of course Todd & I rushed up to the hospital this evening to meet Miss Ella. Olivia was not able to come with us as she is recovering from her first little illness. (She is doing much better...more on that later). Both Ella and her Mommy were doing great! I immediately made a bee line for that baby! How good it felt to hold that sweet, little baby in my arms. Can we say baby fever? OK...so it was nice, but I am so not ready! Not quite yet anyway. Miss Olivia is keeping me very busy and I am not quite ready to share my love with anyone else.

Big congratulations go out to Barry & Kris! We love you guys! How great it is to have another Menor girl in this family! I am sure Ella & Olivia will give me many good reasons to blog in the future!
P.S. Ella...Olivia is very excited to meet you! :)
Yay! Welcome Ella! She's absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to see photos of Livie and Ella playing as the grow up together!!!
Congrats on a new cousin!!!!!
I'm jealous that I couldn't get my hands on her!!! Not worth germing her up though. She's so darn cute. I'm just glad that VJ and I can buy pink stuff and Barbies. Man we waited a long time for this. Loved your mom's comment about the two little ladies and the canasta game--LOL...
What a beautiful baby...I know Ella and Olivia will be very good friends someday...I love their names... Aunt Sue Sue
Ella is beautiful...must be some genetic thing. I love her lips! I see some resemblance to Olivia as a newborn. It is about time that the Menor family had some wonderful women...aside from the mothers of these kids. I look forward to meeting Ella...and perphaps paying canasta with her!
Oh my goodness that is one BEAUTIFUL newborn!!!! Congratulations to all of you!
Congratulations, Jessica and Todd and Olivia!!! That is so exciting! She is so cute! I love the picture of you holding her. I was in your position not long ago, thinking that I needed a little more time for just Elise, and sometimes I still feel that way, but I am now ready for a second! We'll see what happens! :)
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