A journal of our days with our two girls...Olivia Liana and Cecilia Jane
Later that day we headed over to our close family friend's for an annual Easter feast. They are gracious enough to invite us over each year to be a part of their family celebration. The food is always amazing and they always have an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Last year Olivia was only 5 months old so we walked around and found her eggs for her. This year she got to hunt for them herself. I wasn't sure if she would be interested in, or understand the concept of the egg hunt, but she caught on right away! It was so cute watching her find her eggs and tossing them in her basket.
Chilly weather aside, she was successful in finding all of her eggs! I know she had fun because she was not happy when it was time to go inside. Although she was easily distracted when given another Easter basket by our very gracious hosts. If you are keeping track that is Olivia's third Easter basket of the day! Can we say spoiled? Between that a very annoying duck that sang the chicken dance song, Olivia was entertained for quite awhile.
In case I haven't mentioned before...Olivia can do one heck of a chicken dance. That is her dancing in the picture above, but I must post a video of it. The picture does not do the dance justice. You must see it for yourself. I will try to catch her doing her dance soon.
I am so grateful that Olivia is such a happy child. Todd and I really lucked out! Baby #2 has a lot to live up to! And no...baby #2 is not happening any time in the immediate future. Although Olivia is so wonderful she definitely keeps us busy and it will be awhile before we are ready to handle another bundle of joy. In the meantime I will occupy my time with peek-a-boo tag and body slams on the bed. Works for me!
Again, I have no idea what this was about but it was fascinating to watch. It is impossible for us to know what goes on in their little heads, but on this day those toys were not cooperating with her and it was really ticking her off! Most of the time when Olivia does not get her way, or she is being told NO, she throws whatever she is holding at the time on the ground and whines. That is about as bad as it has gotten so far. I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will be able to help her manage her anger and frustrations so that we don't have to deal with anything worse than what you saw in the video! 99.9% of the time she is as happy as can be and focusing 100% on playing! She has quite the imagination!
Olivia is a huge fan of Sesame Street. We don't let her watch too much TV, but when she does that is our show of choice...which is fine with me. I watched it as a child and it is really neat to watch it with Olivia. They actually still show some of the same skits. And as many of you know Olivia has a huge obsession with Elmo. She has expended her interests a little further and can now name quite a few of the characters including...Erie, Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Oscar and Zoe. She can point them out anywhere whether it is in book, on the TV or at the mall. On a recent trip to the mall Olivia spotted a Erie and Bert firetruck ride and insisted on hopping in.
She is also great at naming body parts. She is a pro at face features and can point out her eyes, nose, ears, chin, forehead, cheeks, mouth, tongue, hair and lips. Livie loves pointing these things out on other people's faces as well. I am quite proud of our little one! Aside from learning so many new words lately she is becoming quite physical. Her newest trick is throwing and kicking a ball. I must say that I was shocked by how quickly she learned to kick. Her coordination is impressive. Who knows...maybe we have a little soccer star on our hands! She has also become very interested in the toy vacuum we gave her at Christmas. She loves to watch me vacuum and is now becoming quite good on her own. I think it may be time for Olivia to start doing chores!
And finally, I want to send a big congrats to my friends Jill & Brian! They had a little baby girl on Monday...Madison Ruth. We are so happy for you! This is just one of many announcements I will be making in the upcoming months. It seems everyone is having a baby these days!