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Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

an "egg-cellent" easter

Despite the fact that it hardly reached 40 degrees, we had a wonderful Easter! I guess we could not expect the weather to be very nice considering how early Easter fell this year. I had a feeling that Olivia would have to be bundled up over her cute little dress. Oh well, that didn't stop us from having lots of fun! We found Olivia an adorable dress that we knew she could wear more than once. I am not into all of those frilly Easter dresses and let's face it...Olivia is not exactly a delicate little girl. The dress we found was very cute and can definitely be worn again. Add a cute little shrug to keep her warm, and the adorable hat my Aunt made and you have one cute little girl!
The day started with us attending church. We hesitated taking Olivia, knowing that it was going to be an extra-long service. Let's face it...she's one, and that is the last place in the world she wants to be. We wanted her to be with us since it is such a special service, so we were brave and gave it a shot. I must say that Olivia did quite well! I went prepared with lots of stuff to keep her occupied. We only had to excuse ourselves a couple of times so Olivia could run around the hallways of the church. I could not expect her to sit still for over an hour! She did enjoy all of the music and would clap and say, "yeah!" after each song. I was quite proud of how she handled herself!

After a much needed nap we decided to give Olivia her Easter basket. Trying to fill an Easter basket for a one year old is a bit challenging. She is too young for all of that candy and she already has every toy on the planet. We did manage to find a few fun things to toss in there and she enjoyed rummaging through her goodies.

Next it was over to Nana's house for more Easter fun. Olivia got another Easter basket full of goodies. She wasn't as thrilled with this basket and decided to turn her attention to her favorite thing to do at Nana's house...look through photo albums filled with pictures of herself. Is someone developing an ego?

Later that day we headed over to our close family friend's for an annual Easter feast. They are gracious enough to invite us over each year to be a part of their family celebration. The food is always amazing and they always have an Easter egg hunt for the kids. Last year Olivia was only 5 months old so we walked around and found her eggs for her. This year she got to hunt for them herself. I wasn't sure if she would be interested in, or understand the concept of the egg hunt, but she caught on right away! It was so cute watching her find her eggs and tossing them in her basket.

Chilly weather aside, she was successful in finding all of her eggs! I know she had fun because she was not happy when it was time to go inside. Although she was easily distracted when given another Easter basket by our very gracious hosts. If you are keeping track that is Olivia's third Easter basket of the day! Can we say spoiled? Between that a very annoying duck that sang the chicken dance song, Olivia was entertained for quite awhile.

In case I haven't mentioned before...Olivia can do one heck of a chicken dance. That is her dancing in the picture above, but I must post a video of it. The picture does not do the dance justice. You must see it for yourself. I will try to catch her doing her dance soon.

It was a fun, but long day! We were all exhausted and turned in early that night. The only disappointment was the fact that I was unable to get a nice family photo of the three of us. Not to say we didn't try. I am going to post pictures of our attempt at a nice family photo very soon, so check back. I promise lots of laughs! I hope you all had a very nice Easter. Now that it is officially Spring is it time for some sunshine and warm weather!


Anonymous said...

Olivia is adorable in her Easter dress and her hat. You are correct when you say she is not a dainty girl though. She lives life with Gusto!

Anonymous said...

The picture of her in that beautiful hat is just gorgeous, what a face...I am jealous of her hunting for eggs, I miss those days, Justin still got an Easter basket though, but no hunting anymore :( LOve Aunt Sue Sue

Wormie said...

she looks like a little model! I just love the dress you bought for her. Sounds like a perfect holiday!!