Where to begin...well let's start with the fact that summer has hit us very early this year. I don't think we were expecting to be dealing with temps in the high 90's already! And since Uncle VJ's pool is not quite ready we had to find other ways of cooling off.
Last Thursday Olivia came home from the babysitter's all sweaty. I decided that we should give the good ol' sprinkler a try. So we headed outside, sporting only a swim diaper, and gave it a shot. At first she was a little apprehensive. She put her hand in the stream of water, then her arm and before I knew it she was running through head first. In case you don't already know, Olivia is an extremely brave child. There isn't much that scares her, and if she is unsure of something at first that quickly changes into pure fearlessness. It was hard for me to decide which pictures to show you, so I am going to post them all!

I could not stop smiling watching the joy she got from this activity. She would squeal as she ran back and forth, soaking herself to the bone. Once in awhile she would stop and say, "Mommy try". So of course I had to run through the sprinkler too. I can only imagine what the neighbors were thinking. Oh well, it made Olivia laugh like crazy, so I don't care! Here is a short video showcasing her bravery and excitement.
On Friday we took a break from the water sports and went out for dinner after work. We made it home right before the storm hit. It was a quick storm and had a beautiful end result. I wish Olivia was still awake to see the gorgeous double rainbow that graced the sky.

The rest of the weekend was scorching hot. We pulled out Olivia's baby pool from last year. I came up with a brilliant idea that I knew Olivia would love. We filled up the pool and placed it at the bottom of Olivia's slide, so after sliding down she would be greeted with a refreshing splash! Once again she looked at me with trepidation, but after one slide down she had a new favorite activity. It was hard for her to choose between this and running through the sprinkler.

I am blown away by how bold Olivia is. I am always thinking that she is not going to be fond of certain things and she always proves me wrong. Sometimes her bravery scares me so I have to keep an extra special eye on her. But I guess I would prefer that than having to convince her to try everything. Here is another little video of "Olivia the Brave".
When she wasn't sliding down into her pool she would just sit in it and splash around. I found myself wishing I could fit in there with her. I had to settle for just soaking my feet. It sure felt good though. After going down the slide about 6 times in a row she decided it was time for a rest. We made our way over to the shade to enjoy a refreshing popsicle...Olivia's latest discovery!
As she was enjoying her yummy treat I tried to get her to talk to me and tell me what she was eating (it is so cute when she says, "pop-sickle"). Crazy me for thinking she would give me the time of day. She was an orange sticky mess when she was done, but no worries, she headed right back for the pool and washed off. It is much easier enjoying these foods outdoors, where it does not matter what kind of mess is made. One last video...check out how she totally ignores me.
When we weren't outside playing in the water, we were inside trying to stay cool this weekend. Although we have a blast outdoors with Olivia I am just not ready for this heat yet. I was hoping we would have a little more of a Spring. Oh well, I have a feeling the heat is here and not going anywhere. So I think we will be spending a lot of time in the water this summer. By next weekend we should be floating around in VJ's pool!
In other news Olivia went on the potty four times this week! I'm sure you are all thrilled to hear that, but I am pretty proud of her and think it is a pretty good start. We make a big deal out of it every time and she thinks that is pretty neat. Hopefully if we stay on this path we could have it down in a few months...we will have to see. She is also starting to do a lot of singing. She knows lots of songs and enjoys finishing my sentence for me when we sing together. This little smarty pants knew more than I thought. She even has the theme to Elmo's World down pat. I will have to try and catch that on video soon. Have I mentioned that she is the light of my life? Well, I am exhausted from the heat and playing with Miss Olivia all weekend. Time to head off to bed and get ready for the week ahead.