She has also been coming home singing songs that I am completely unfamiliar with. She says, "mommy, sing!" and sadly, I have to tell her that Mommy does not know that song. I plan on asking her teacher to send home the lyrics of the songs they sing so I can participate with Olivia when she decides to start singing songs that I don't know. She comes home each day talking about all of the things she has done at school. I just love picking her up and hearing her talk about her day. I am so glad that we decided to enroll her in this school. She has a brain like a sponge and she picks things up so quickly. This school will challenge her and that is just what she needs. It suits her perfectly!
So our little smarty pants has been surprising us quite a bit lately. Although she seems to be learning things in school we have managed to teach her a few things as well. Out of the blue one day Todd thought it would be fun to try and teach her to count to 10 in Spanish. After a few tries she was repeating the numbers to us and by the next week she was reciting them on her own without any help. How in the world did she manage to learn that so quickly? All I can think of is that she has really strong memorization skills. Not a bad skill to have, I guess! Check out our little senorita for yourselves...
Olivia also LOVES to sing songs...or "rhymes", as she calls them. I once told her that the songs she likes were called nursery rhymes and since then she has referred to her songs as "rhymes". We almost always listen to nursery rhymes while we are in the car. She has her favorites and develops new favorites as she learns the words to new songs. One of her recent favorites is, "One-Two Buckle My Shoe". She likes when I start each phrase of the song so she can finish it. We do this with about every song we sing. I wanted to share another video with you. This time it is of Olivia singing, "One-Two Buckle My Shoe"...enjoy!
So as you can see Olivia is really developing mentally. She surprises us each day with all that she knows and comprehends. Needless to say, we are super proud of her. She has adjusted to school with such ease, and that is enough to make any mommy and daddy proud! In two short months my sweetie will be turning two! How is that even possible? What is even harder to believe is that in two months we will be living in our new house! There is so much that needs to be done. I better stop writing and get back to packing!

Before I go...the pictures that are spaced throughout this post show Olivia in her adorable Matilda Jane knot dress. Some of you may remember that last spring Olivia did a little photo shoot for Matilda Jane Clothing. We became hooked on the clothes and had to get her a few pieces. I have been waiting a long time for her to finally fit into this dress, and finally she does! Isn't it wonderful?
I love her pensive look in the pictures with her dress. In the video she puts the thing on her head and says,"skate". I think she thinks it is a helmet like bikers and skaters wear.
Wow, such a little smartie. She amazes me all of the time. She just picks things up so quickly. I am so happy she loves her school, I just knew she would. good luck with all of the packing, I don't envy you one bit!!!
Auntie Sue Sue
She is such a smarty pants!!! Maybe she can teach Taylor to count in spanish and to say Thank you. And by the way her dress is adorable!!! Do they have cute boy clothes too? I guess I have to wait to see if the next one is a girl, so I can have little dresses around the house too.
That dress is too adorable!
Sounds like she just loves her new school. No surprise she's at the head of the class. :-)
She is so smart. You must be proud. I wish our boys had those verbal skills.
I love the dress! She is doing so well. Elise loves to watch the videos of Olivia! She is getting so big. :)
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