Our baby girl was 6 lbs. 10 oz. when she was born almost 6 months ago. Since that day she has put on the weight like it is going out of style! In the beginning she was gaining around a pound week! Obviously she has slowed down since then, but at just shy of 6 months old she weighs just under 19 lbs!!!

I have no idea why I have such a chubby baby. Don't get me wrong...I love her chubbiness. I am just baffled as to why she has gotten so big so fast! She is not a big eater. She does like her food but she has never been a baby who eats more than normal. But now that we are starting to get more into solid foods I want to be sure that I do not overly contribute to her already growing waistline! I have friends who have had chubby babies and they said that as soon as their babies starting moving more they thinned out. I have no doubt this will happen to Livie as she is an extremely active baby that moves from the moment she gets up in the morning to the second she lays her head down at night.
I was a chubby baby, as was my mother. I guess it just runs in the family. We are really enjoying her rolls and we just love squeezing her. It just cracks me up when I see her next to other babies her age. She could take most of them any day of the week! With all of this talk of Olivia's chubbiness in recent weeks my Aunt decided to take action and created this...

You must admit...that is pretty funny! What is even funnier is that when I googled "Michelin Man" recently I kept seeing a picture pop up over and over. It was a picture of a baby that was diagnosed with Micheline Baby Syndrome! Yes, it is a real thing. I guess it is an extremely rare syndrome where young babies have numerous, symmetrical rolls in their skin. See for yourself...
So Olivia isn't quite that big...but she is a big girl, and we love it!
As I mentioned, she will be turning six months old this Friday! I have no idea where those first six months went. She has gone from this little tiny baby who did nothing to a big girl with tons of personality. She is sitting up, eating a ton of different solid foods and pretty much sleeping through the night. I really could not ask for more. We are still having some trouble at the babysitter's though. She cries most of the time when she is there. Not sure why exactly. There are other kids there who try to entertain her but as soon as I leave the crying starts and most of the time it is virtually impossible to calm her down. I thought she would have gotten past this by now. It stopped for about a month but has recently picked back up. It is frustrating since she hardly ever cries for us. It also makes it difficult for the babysitter as she has other children to tend to. So hopefully we get over this soon.
And finally, Olivia was baptized this past weekend. It was a joyous occasion. I am waiting for some family members to send me pictures. As soon as I get them I will post them. She was quite a vision in her gorgeous white gown!