Now I knew that this may be another "Santa moment" so I came prepared. I brought along my portable DVD player so that Olivia could be distracted by Elmo while the haircut took place. Of course we arrived with a full entourage...all ready to capture this moment on film. My Mom, Todd and I all had to be there to witness this "first". Olivia was fascinated with the hair salon. She walked around in amazement at all of the chairs and fancy equipment. When it was time to get started she was more than happy to sit on my lap in the big chair! My hairdresser, April, who has been cutting my hair since I was 10 years old was great with Olivia. She quickly snipped here and there and we were done before Olivia even noticed what was going on. Bringing the DVD player was a great distraction! Although a very small amount of hair was actually cut off we could definitely tell a difference and Olivia no longer had any hair hanging in her eyes. My mom was also pleased, as it was still long enough in the front for a barrette. Although she does not look too thrilled in these pictures she did not mind getting her hair cut.

It was a very successful first haircut and virtually painless for Olivia...thank goodness! Livie was rewarded with a special certificate for her courage. The certificate was so cute that I took a picture of it to be able to share with you. You must read it...it is so cute!

So with that event behind us we got on with our weekend. Next on the agenda was a 60th birthday party for one of my Mom's close friends. We were invited to bring Olivia along. We dressed her up in some party clothes and off we went! Here she is in her adorable Janie & Jack outfit her Nana got her for Christmas! I just love it!

We usually prefer to leave Livie at home for parties, as it is the only way Mommy & Daddy can truly enjoy themselves, but she was amazing! She was very social, as always and behaved wonderfully...until bed time of course! That is when I had to excuse myself and head home. It was a good time, while it lasted!

It was a weekend full of "firsts", and another weekend of enjoying our time with Olivia. Now that she is a part of our lives I have a hard time remembering what we used to do without her. She sure does keep things exciting!
OMG, that haircut certificate is too darned cute!!! You must frame that for her!
How fun that she finally got to play in the snow! She looks like she enjoyed it!
Lots of fun firsts!!
I feel so blessed to be able to share in so many of Olivia's "firsts". It is such fun watching her have these experiences...and I especially love buying her clothes.
She took that haircut like a big girl....glad it wasn't another "Santa moment"...don't want to freak her out too much. AND---that hat is too darn funny!!
I love her sweet little haircut, the pictures are too cute, she looks so serious. I love the skirt outfit, so grownup looking. The snow pictures are so cute, how fun to experience snow for the first time. It brings back so many memories.
Love Aunt Sue Sue
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