Not too long ago I talked about one of my newest obsessions...
BabyLegs! They are leg warmers for babies and they are so stinkin' cute! You are probably asking, "Why would babies need legwarmers?" Well they are more than just a fashion statement! They are great to put on under pants when it is super cold. They are great for around the house and they make diaper changes a breeze! When I was first introduced to them I immediately hopped on the BabyLegs website and bought a couple of pairs. Since then I have found a few more pairs cheaper on Ebay, but I have stopped buying them because they are a bit pricey.
So since I have a very talented aunt who happens to be super crafty I called on her to try and make some BabyLegs for Olivia. My
Aunt Delia specializes in crochet. She has crocheted some really wonderful things for Olivia including Stuffy Bear, a beautiful blanket with her name on it and some really cute little clothes. Here are some pictures of Olivia with some of Aunt Delia's past creations...

Delia is always looking for a challenge so I knew she would be excited to attempt to crochet some BabyLegs for Livie. I thought that some heavier ones would be great for the colder days around the house. Olivia is not a fan of wearing lots of clothes. If it were up to her she would run around the house naked no matter what the temperature was outside. BabyLegs have been a great solution to keeping her little legs warm without her having to wear much else. But I could go broke buying all of the cute styles and designs. Delia played around with the design for awhile and sent us a few pairs to try. Since she designed the pattern on her own she gave it her own name so she could share it with her fellow crochet buddies...Livie Legs! Here is Olivia sporting her super soft and cozy crocheted Livie Legs...

After mastering that task she decided to try to make them out of socks, which is similar to what original BabyLegs are made out of. According to her it was a "breeze". She sent us two pairs of Livie Legs in festive Valentine's Day colors! How fun!

Aren't they cute? I am so grateful to Aunt Delia for making some Livie Legs for us! I am sure you will be seeing more pictures of Olivia sporting her Legs throughout the winter. For anyone out there who is crafty I hear that it very easy to make these out of ladies knee-high socks. I know there are some tutorials online with step-by-step directions. I, myself am not one of those crafty types so I will just have to rely on Delia's expertise!
OK, so we have a big weekend ahead of us. Olivia will be getting her first haircut on Saturday! I am not sure exactly what will be done with her hair, but it definitely needs a little trim. Now my Mother and I disagree on what exactly should be done with Olivia's hair. But I am hoping my hairdresser can offer some suggestions. Also, Todd's parents arrived today from Hawaii! It is his Dad's third time home but it is his Mom's first time back since moving in 2004. We are looking forward to spending lots of time with them in the month that they are home. That gives Olivia lots of time to get to know her G.P. & Gangy! Check back for pics of Olivia's newly trimmed do!
How cute!!! I have wondered about the Baby Legs. Olivia is a great model to show them off, and you Aunt Delia did an awesome job of recreating them! I bet they are really warm! :)
You know that I'll be delighted to make anything for Livie that I can! Making Livie Legs was fun, and the sock kind were so fast and easy it should be a crime!
Haircut! Make sure you bring the camera! I have pictures of my nephews first haircut - lets just say it was his "Santa moment". I hope it's less traumatic for Olivia!
Love you!
Great job Delia, I just love the Livie Leg's they are just too cute. Jess is lucky to have talented Aunt Delia to call on...Also just wanted to note how much older Olivia is looking, wow what a change since Thanksgiving, slow down Olivia or you will be my size too soon!!!
Small Aunt Sue Sue
I want to wear "Livie Legs". Could we call mine "Nana Legs". I can already hear Todd's comments. I can attest that Olivia is darling in her leg warmers. Why would she not want to show off such gorgeous thighs. Thanks Delia!
Those are some cute legs. Haircut? hmmmmmm. She looks adorable with the flip going on.
DELIA ROCKS!!!! They are SO cute..can you make them in elephant size?? I think I need some!! LOL Sure did get a kick out of Miss Olivia's performance at dinner last night. She was such a good girl, showing Gangy and GP all the tricks that she knows. Oh--and sorry that I had to laugh at all the "naughty" things she did too...brings back some really funny memories. Don't kick your butts---everybody's kids go through the "what can I get away with phase"...
so..... what did she do at dinner???
Well the service was very slow and after Olivia showed off all of her tricks for her grandparents it was quite hard to keep her entertained. Needless to say she proceeded to throw a typical toddler tantrum before dinner was complete. I can't blame her though...it took forever! But it reminded me why Todd & I rarely take her out to dinner with us! :)
Those Livie Legs are AWESOME!!!!!!! LOVE them and so jealous!!!!!!
Ya know, Aunt Delia.... Preston has legs, too. haha! :) So cute. Can't wait to see the new 'do!
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