OK, to start off we have a few pictures from this past summer. Todd's Dad was in town from Hawaii for a long visit and before he left the whole family went out to dinner at Takaoka. Olivia had just started sitting in a high chair and eating next to us at restaurants. We had a feeling that she would enjoy Takaoka because of all the action...and she did! She was mesmerized by the guy cooking in front of us and she just stared in amazement as the steam rose from the grill. It was a fun dining experience, which does not happen very often when going out to eat with a baby! Here are a few photos from our family dinner...

For those of your familiar with Takaoka you know that as you go up the stairs to the restaurant you see a big statue of Buddha. Miss Olivia has always been a big baby and she has just recently started growing out of her chub. At that time we saw a slight resemblance between Olivia and Buddha, so we could not resist this photo op! Look at those thighs...
We miss the summer days...always taking Olivia outdoors to do fun things. I am counting the days until Spring arrives and we can start exploring and having fun outside again. We took Olivia to her first high school football game in the fall while it was still warm. She had a good time sitting in the front row on her daddy's lap, rooting for her cousin Eric...
Now I know Olivia only turned one a few months ago, but it already seems like ages! I have a million pictures of Olivia with cake on her face from her 1st Birthday but my brother-in-law took this one and I just love it. The joy on her face is priceless and just makes me so happy!
Well thank you for allowing me to reminisce a little. As my baby girl gets bigger every day I find myself missing the days that have passed. Looking back at all of our photos helps me remember just how wonderful each day has been with her. Thanks, VJ for sending me those photos. You take great pictures and I count on you for those times when I have forgotten my camera! By the way, isn't this a nice picture of the three of us?
OK, well back to present day. This past weekend has been bitter cold. So cold in fact, that we really did not want to leave the house. But we knew we would get cabin fever if we did not. So on Saturday we decided to venture out to the mall to just walk around and take Olivia on a carousel ride. There were a ton of great sales going on and I could have shopped for hours. Of course Olivia had a different plan, and it did not involve allowing Mommy to leisurely look through sale racks. So after some quick shopping and a quick bite to eat we took turns taking Olivia on the carousel.
We have taken her before but she was quite young. This time she enjoyed it immensely! I took her first. She held on so well and yelled "weeeeeeeee" the entire time! She had a huge smile on her face as her horse went up and down. As the ride came to a stop I took her off and she became instantly upset. She was not pleased at all! Luckily she was able to get right back on...this time with her Daddy. She enjoyed herself just as much the second time around. But she was just as upset when her second ride was done. I quickly plopped her in the stroller and distracted her with a snack. So that was what we did to pass a cold, wintry afternoon. We will probably turn to this activity again before winter is over.
Now that I see just how quickly time flies by I am reminded to cherish every single second with Olivia. Our chubby little baby has started turning into a not so chubby toddler. She still has those great thighs and the cutest little belly! I will be sad when those are gone! But she has become this smart little person who makes me so happy to be a Mom!
the great thing about memories is that you get to keep all the old ones and keep making more. Those are some amazing and adorable photos, but think how many more there will be in the coming years!!!!
Love, Aunt Delia
I was just organizing photos this weekend and was amazed in the changes in Olivia in the past couple of months. She just makes me smile everytime I see her. What a delight!
Believe me---time flies!!! When I look at my photo albums, I have to wonder where did the time go...from babies to teenagers and beyond...only God knows what's in store for us in the days and years to come. Life sure is an adventure!!!
What a great way to spend a cold wintry day on a beautiful carousel, I which I could have been there to ride it with her...I loved the old photos too....
Aunt Sue Sue
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