I was hoping to have caught one of these episodes on camera to share with you, but no such luck. They are usually very quick and they tend to be over just as quickly as they begin. I guess that is a good thing. Since I cannot show you firsthand how one of these tantrums play out, I will try to explain it. Each tantrum is orchestrated with precision. How do I know this? Because I have watched her from start to finish. It begins when she is told not to do something, or not to touch something. She then stops...pauses for a few seconds...and dramatically throws herself on the floor. Once she is on the floor she proceeds to kick her legs and wave her arms like a crazy person. It is quite a sight. The first couple of times she did it I actually laughed out loud...not a good idea. I have since learned to just walk away...much better idea because once she notices that she no longer has an audience the tantrum comes to an end. Sometimes walking away is tough because I am baffled how the slightest thing can cause a child to unravel. Telling a child to stop turning the TV on and off a million times may not seem like a big deal to us, but it can seem life altering to them. I just try to put myself in her shoes. As you can tell by the look on her face in this picture she was not very happy with me. Luckily a tantrum did not follow this time, but this tends to be the face I see just before one starts. Cracks me up!

One last thing I want to share. This past weekend we went to a Super Bowl party. The hosts had the most amazing HD-TV, perfect for watching the game (or in my case...the commercials). Check out Olivia enjoying her dinner during kick-off. She was delightful that night. Running around, playing with her toys and chatting up a storm to anyone that would listen.

If I think I have my hands full now with the trantrums starting, just imagine if she was able to trade stocks online!
Glad to see Olivia is a normal toddler with her tantrums..I remember them well with my boys... I agree that for now walking away is the best thing...they do love an audience...I love the sour puss face, too cute...... ..P.S. I loved the E trade baby commericals...just too clever... Auntie Sue Sue
As a witness to Olivia's "tiny tantrums" I can attest to their hilarity. It is as if she is practicing for a real one. She sure is one busy girl.
Unfortunately, she will ALWAYS TRY to be the boss. I don't think that's subject to change until she has kids of her own. Just a little bright light at the end of your tunnel for today..LOL Gotta say---lovin' the red jeans...she's too darn cute for her own good!!
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