So to keep ourselves from getting stir crazy we had to invent some new games to play. Olivia has recently become interested in the grocery cart we gave her at Christmas. It came with a few groceries so she enjoys putting them in and taking them out of the cart over and over. She also likes to stack them on top of our trashcan. We pretend we are shopping by throwing as many toys as we can find in the cart. I think she is practicing for when she grows up. I can't wait to have a shopping partner!

We are so fortunate to have such a well adjusted, happy little girl. She truly seems to love life. The joy she gets out of life is only matched by the joy she brings to our lives. We are truly blessed.
jess, she's too cute. i agree about her and cami - they will be good friends i'm sure. :)
not sure when we'll be back next - my guess is not for awhile. we will probably not make it back until march sometime, maybe spring break? i'll definitely let you know because i'd love to get together and let the girls play - though i'll warn you that we now call cami the "mine-o-saur" - good book if you're looking for a new one. :)
I love Olivia's big open mouth smiles, very cute. I wish I was there to share in the fun, or better yet I wish you all were here, Olivia would have such fun at the beach now, maybe soon.
Love Aunt Sue Sue
Olivia sure is cute in those little leggings from Aunt Delia. I still with I had a pair of my own. LOL
I love that little shopping cart! She's so adorable!
I'm glad she's using her Livie Legs, and now that I'm not traveling for a week I can make some more if you want (and a pair for Aunt Chris if she wants too)
I was at Sears and saw some devilish socks with Happy Bunny and some with Tinkerbell that said "Trouble". I came so close to buying them, but I ,know that Livie is never a little devil!
Aunt Delia
What a little doll- I can't believe how big she is now! Love those Livie legs and the hoodie. What a fashionista!
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