He was never in any pain and that makes all of this so much easier for everyone. Right up until the end he still had his sense of humor and that twinkle in his eye when he would speak to anyone in his family. Todd and I had chance to see Grandpa a few months ago. He was still doing pretty well then, but was definitely weak and not the same upbeat Grandpa I had always known. But most importantly he had the chance to see me pregnant. He was fascinated by it and he called it "My Pointy Belly!" He just thought it was the neatest thing. From day one and right up until the end he would always tell me that he was convinced we were having a girl.
I was fortunate enough to be able to speak with him once last time...last week. And although he was not able to say much more than whisper...I love you...I knew what he was thinking. I told him how much we all loved him and how much the baby loved him also. I told him that we would make sure that the baby knew all about his Great Grandpa George. If I could have asked for one more thing it would have been for Grandpa to have had the chance to meet his great grandchild. But knowing that Grandpa is now in a much better place, gives us all peace. I am grateful for the time I had with him and for the chance to have him walk me down the aisle when I was married.
He had a long and fulfilling life. He had an amazing family. You really cannot ask for more than that! And although he will be missed tremendously...he will always be loved!
If there was one last thing I could say to my Grandpa, that I know would bring a smile to his face, I would tell him...
"Grandpa...I kinda like ya!"